Mar 23, 2006 08:57
I haven't been able to sleep properly since I left Vancouver.
Mind you, the average person would say I haven't been sleeping properly IN Vancouver for about the last 4 years or so, but let's not even start that.
The main factors in my [Ireland=no sleep] problem are that I led a very erratic work/party/drink coffee at 4am schedule back home, solidly for oh I'd say the last 8 months, with co-conspirator best friends and Calhoun's 24 hour music pumping hot employee hot coffee serving institution aiding and abetting my caffeine fueled insomniac half-zombie half-dontstoppartyparty self.
Add to this my last week in Vancouver in which I am not aware of all?
Plus 11 hours of air travel.
Plus an 8 hour time difference.
Now imagine me trying to sleep off jet-lag and conform to the average working person's idea of "sleeping hours". That is to say that I live in a house with 5 other people who all retire to bed between the hours of 10pm and 12am. and, well, there's just not that much to do in a little house in a little town out in the countryside of Ireland anytime past "bedtime".
I have found myself laying awake staring at the ceiling, thinking too many thoughts, or reading, or writing, finally drifting off to sleep around 5am. I'll admit I'm well sleep deprived, so it's no surprise that once I'm finally asleep, I SLEEP! I've slept well into the afternoon, waking up between 4 and 6pm.
I need daylight!
I need fresh air!
I need to go exploring and see Ireland!
I need to not eat breakfast at 10pm...?
So so so I got this wonderful idea sometime around 1am. that I would stay up ALL NIGHT and ALL DAY the next day, in the hopes (fingers crossed) that I would in fact feel tired and want to go to sleep, by the end of the following day.
So here I am, 9 hours into this brilliant idea - totally wired on tea. (SO MUCH TEA!)
Around 6am. I plugged myself into my iPOD, did some jumping jacks in my room, and blasted The Avalanches in my ears. Then I went downstairs and did the dishes. Then I cleaned the Coogan's ENTIRE KITCHEN, I even scrubbed the top of the stove...and I NEVER go there at home.
Then I cooked myself a bacon and egg scramble, put it on toast, poured myself some more tea...and wrote this.