We're moving!!!
pick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_mepick_for_me I have decided to move the Pick-For-Me Book Club to an LJ community. Hopefully this will make things run a little smoother for everyone in the future.
The 'rules' aren't changing, just the location.
A few additional notes…
*Community membership will OPEN & UNMODERATED.
*Joining the community does NOT mean that you are obligated to participate each month.
*Nor does it mean you are automatically signed up for every month's activities. Sign-up posts will be opened for each month & if you want to take part, you will need to comment to be entered into the buddy assignment drawing for that particular month.
Pimp it!!!
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l282/Ellie_Rigby/XYZ/pickformebookclub.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo pickformebookclub.jpg ">
Sign up.
Share your ‘to-be-read’ list.
Get paired with a buddy.
Your buddy chooses what you read.
You share your thoughts on the book at the end of the month.
Easy as that!
Questions? Let me know!
Hope to see you there!