Hi all! Once again, here we are back with the Galaxy family. This chapter features lots and lots of growing up and moving out, and the house almost halves in inhabitants. That said, there are of course many more babies along the way, so on that note, let us procede:
So, at the end of the last chapter, I caved in and let Lyra have her plantspore/baby. We then had teen Ama, teen Blue, child Cream, toddler Denim, baby Emerald, and toddler platspore Fern. With the 'parents' Lyra and Robi, this made a house of eight sims, which, reluctantly for me because she's brilliant, meant that Ama would move out after just one day at private school. *sob*
Ama's a godsend, she looks after her half-siblings, she cooks, cleans and skills autonomously, and she has a teen job to bring in some income. She has a good relationship with all but Fern, and she actually knows what Emerald wants the seldom times she cries.
But, Blue's cool and Cream is as yet an undiscovered child, so Ama has to go as the oldest.
'So, will you go to the city honey?'
'No, Dad, I'll be right next door. You can invite me round as much as you like.'
'Oh good. We will miss you Ama.'
Every time I look at this picture I get Rolf Harris in my head singing 'Two little boys had two little toys'. If you don't know the song I'd be suprised, but youtube it anyway.
I really do love the private school uniforms, and I'm sorry for Denim that he has to wait until two children's time to get into private school, as I'm doing this three kids to private school at a time, and Fern will never be a child.
Lyra is still here and is much better behaved as a plantsim. She dotes on Emerald, who is a lovely silent baby after Denim's screaming, and they spend pretty much all day like this.
'Hi Blue!'
Yes, Cream is slowly coming out of her shell. She's been a bit hidden behind the older two girls, but I'm sure she'll come into her own soon, and I'm starting to really like her.
Because of the house being full, there's two birthdays before the next pregnancy even starts, and this time it's Denim and Emerald's turns.
Unfortunately, Robi was busy cuddling his only child, and Denim doesn't make it to the cake in time, beginning to wobble in the bathroom.
Seriously cute for a child with one nice point. I think all the sweet little girls in Strangetown should start hiding about now.
Emerald does make it to the cake, however, and I found it funny that the boys got the tooters, while the girls both used rattles. Interesting. Ama, by the way, hasn't left yet, she's at work.
Emerald seems to get a lot from her Servo Daddy's template face, and because of her being half robot, I solve the name issue with her makeover. Her personality, by the way, is lovely in my opinion: 10,10,7,2,5. I think it's the most interesting one yet!
There we are. Emerald now looks much more like an emerald should do. :)
This is the day-wear I got Denim. May I just pause here to type 'cuuuuuuuuute'. I really wish he had a nicer personality, but then I think he can get away with just about anything with those looks.
Ama finally gets home at 7pm, and the girls spend their last evening together bonding at the bubble blower. Then it's time to check on those scholarships.
Ama needed one more point to get my minimum of three, and here they are:
Not bad at all considering the sheer amount of time she had to spend mothering her brother and sisters. Well done Ama. Now, off you go before I change my mind.
It's always difficult for the first to fly the nest *sniff*. I'll catch up with the older kids when I reach the halfway point at baby M, but for now, Ama will drop out of college and live next door to the main family.
I realised I haven't put Fern in this much yet, so here he is with Denim and Cream in their matching pjs. They grew up in them all by themselves, I didn't even have to co-ordinate them to look sweet.
A quick skill montage for Emerald now that Ama's gone, with Lyra completing all three with her.
The next day is Saturday, which is fine for the BabyDaddy I'm planning, but it's nice to have Robi out of the way at work. Oh, and by the way:
Hahahahahahaha nice outfit! :D
BabyDaddyG arrives right on time at 10.15am. :D
He worried me going into Emerald's room, I thought he was going to be cruel and take the cot; then I realised that when there's a baby in the house, I put the sink in their room to bathe them, and I'd forgotten to move it back now Emerald's a toddler.
I get the feeling he's not very good at this job. But hey, when he zaps the sink (I'm no good with innuendos, so feel free to make up your own about guns), the Tombstone makes its appearance.
Poor guy doesn't even get a name, he's just Repo Man the repo man. (my good friend Loz says a Lost in-joke goes here, but I don't watch it so I'm not sure)
So, after impregnating Lyra and taking the sink, he then zaps a lightbulb. Power trip much?
'Hi Mr, can I go to the toilet now? Thanks.'
Denim isn't so impressed, and merely wants Repo to get out of the bathroom so he can use the toilet.
On the way out, he gives me a nice profile shot to compare the baby with, and creeps out the girls who are doing their skilling.
'Bye then kids, bye! I'll be back, byeeee!'
It only happens once, and we have to wait until the afternoon to see it, but Lyra is definately pregnant with Repo Man's baby. So G is on their way!
This is purely here because she's cute, even though I know I said I wouldn't put much toddler piscspam in. I just can't help it, toddlers are too sweet.
I really love Seasons and the freedom it affords the kids with leftovers. I also love the sparkly food, it's so pretty.
Because today is Cream's teen birthday, I let her fulfill those 'make friend with' wants, and try to make up my mind whether she's going to be popularity or knowledge, because skill points and friends fill her want panel daily.
We have the first pop for baby G that morning, and I think Emerald was still being potty trained by Lyra at this point, so that would explain the bathroom setting.
So, 6pm rolls aroind with not much having happened, and Cream makes a wish, possibly to be in more pictures in future.
Nice try with the clothes Cream! It's the right colour, but Strangetown never has winter, so we need something lightweight really. I gave her knowledge because of the immediate wants she rolled for university, and I'm pleased with the way she grew up.
Here she is in her new outfit. I'm so used to throwing the birthday cake away what with the grilled cheese handicap in my only other functioning family, so this is a strange sight for me.
Blue immediately comes through and hugs Cream, and they're still best friends, so it's nice to have them the same age.
'Yay, another teeeeen!'
It got to nighttime before I realised I've been sort of neglecting Robi. Him and Lyra got down to 80 or so relationship, and he is only friends with the older four kids, so I send him round the house for a bit to get his social up.
Denim, of course, is actually having a positive interaction here and this is his happy conversation face. Bless him. *ruffles hair*
It also came as a suprise to me that Robi is a sloppy eater, I swear I've never seen him throw food about before.
Ah, bump two for baby G. Seen enough of these yet? I think Lyra has too. :)
Blue has reached the top of her teen career and I love the scientist outfit on her. Cream doesn't have a job yet, but she will once Blue moves out; pretty soon.
Cream doesn't have a job mostly because she does Blue's homework for her. I think her and Denim look sweet, but they have completely opposite personalities, especially with Cream's 9 nice points against Denim's 1.
Other than the job, Cream has all her scholarships, and left on free will, she goes to dance, and I am really starting to find her fun to play.
For about the fourth day running, it's a birthday, and this time it's Fern's turn. I've never had a plantspore transition before, and I think it'll be strange seeing them skip three life stages.
Here we go then, say good bye to the young Fern...
And wow to the older one! Well, he turned out miles better than I thought he would. He rolled family, with the LTW to marry off 6 kids. Sooo not happening.
Its also strange to have him the same age as his Mum now, and he'll move out in the morning, after Blue moves out tonight.
Cream's being a great teen looking after her siblings, and I'm all ready for Blue to move out now, seeing as she's got the want to move to uni and Ama rings her every single day and it annoys me.
Blue got more than the minimum scholarships, and she'll also move in next door with Ama once she drops out.
As the taxi pulls up, I just caught Denim doing this, which I thought looked hilarious. A mean, growly, green skinned creature? Must be Denim!
Aw Cream. That's only the second time I've seen that happen, and last time it was when Lyra moved out to go to uni and her Grandad practically followed the taxi down the road.
'Hey, copycat.'
The main reason, other than their ages, for moving Fern out, is that there's only one sunlamp, and it's over the easels, and it stops anyone else from getting creativity up with both Fern and Lyra living here.
So, while Lyra gets up relations with babyDaddyH, Fern moves out, also to go next door with Ama and Blue.
Bye Fern, sorry for the lack of attention you got.
So, that leaves Emerald the youngest in birth order and in age. But not for long.
'Who's birthday is it today? Who's is it?'
'Ooh, me! Me, is me!'
This was autonomous too, so I really don't give Robi the credit he deserves as a 'Dad' to these kids. But of course, that doesn't mean Lyra isn't capable of upstaging them both.
'Ooooh, baby on the way everyone! Baby!'
This is a little boy, with the usual combo of green skin, brown eyes and black hair, and hopefully not with the lack of nice points that usually happens too. Going with the theme of calling the green skinned children a name that doesn't mean green, this is Gold. And I want you all to get Spandau Ballet in your head everytime you see him. :D
'You are Gold! Always believe in your souuuul...' Oops, sorry, got carried away there.
Of course, with Lyra tucking Gold into bed and Robi out at work, ironically the only child living with both of his parents has no-one to show his A+ to...so he shows it to Emerald.
'Happy birthday Em, looks what I brought home! A+!'
It is indeed Emerald's birthday, and the kids and a random teen are here to celebrate with her.
I think she turned out cute, and I'm glad the green hair still looks alright on her. But she runs absolutely everywhere. Right now, she's going out to sell some lemonade. So she must run apparently.
Emerald's first childhood want was for a lemonade stand, and her second was to sell some of it. I sense a fortune sim on our hands here.
Every single night, Robi's only child runs out to hug him when he gets back from work. He always seems happy about it, and it's nice for him to actually have a child he fathered in the house with him. :)
True to form, the next morning, Emerald starts talking about things to buy and rolling wants for a bass and a drumkit.
'So, a fishtank would go nicely in the main room, don't you think?'
I love it when it's so obvious what aspiration a child's going to be.
And it's also interesting that they stick to their personalities too. Denim sells ridiculously priced lemonade to his Mum as she waits for a taxi to take her Downtown. No motives there at all of course.
She's come to the Lulu lounge to meet BabyDaddyH, Tucker Bruty the llama. Their relationship was at 90/70 because of phonecalls, so the date was pretty easy.
This is him without the mask for those interested, and because it started to thunder, I did my usual and sent them to Crypt'O where I know there's a photo booth, away from the lightning+water combo.
One try later, and baby H is on the way. The date was also a Dream one too, so helps keep the aspiration points rolling in to afford some more Elixir.
Yeah, thanks for being so inconspicuous Tucker, because no-one's going to notice Lyra's been on a date with that thing out there! But $2750 is no bad thing for the family, so his kindness has been duly noted.
BabyH makes its presence known the next morning, and reassures me that I'm okay playing with the sound off.
Talking of having the sound off, that afternoon is the very, very quiet Gold's birthday, and although Robi is at work everyone else comes through to see him toddlerify.
I think most of his features come from his Daddy, Repo Man, but his personality is decidedly Galaxy: 6,5,9,4,1 similar to his brother Denim, but so far there hasn't been a single replica personality, which is great.
Gold is the first toddler to have SmartMilk, and just as he glows, Lyra gets the first bump of baby H. Here are Gold's skills, just to prove he's getting them:
Sorry for all the glowiness, but at least it makes him different to the countless other skilling montages I've done.
*edit after reading* oh dear, it seems my pictures are glitching a bit, anyone know if the lines are just from the glow, or if my game is breaking? :S Oh, and do they appear on everyone's computer, or is it just me that can see them?
Emerald and Denim, now that they're briefly the same age, spend a lot of time playing together, and generally being cute in their green pjs.
The one day this sim week that there isn't a birthday, Emerald gets her A+, meaning that something happens pretty much all the time. Such as later on that day, when Cream tops her teen career:
Well done, that's four scholarships already, and she's not going anywhere just yet.
That night, we have the second bump for baby H, and then nothing happens all day except skilling, so I'll spare you the pictures and cut to the next inevitable birthday at 6pm.
Yep, it's Denim's turn to teen, and I was so pleased that Robi got the 'day off work' pop up, so that he can be here for his son's birthday.
I think he's got a similar face to Blue, and of course I had to put him in a denim jacket, to go with his name. He rolled Knowledge, and doesn't have an LTW yet, because I haven't opened the game up again.
Two hours later, and the moment we've been waiting for arrives. I won't leave you on a cliffhanger like I have done in the past, and here is Harlequin.
Yep, it's another boy with green skin, brown eyes and black hair, so let's hope for some personality difference, or a llama nose to tell him apart from his brothers. :) But anyway, welcome to the family Harlequin.
So, with that I leave you, and here is your recap of the children and daddies born to Lyra Galaxy so far:
A is for Amaranth, a pinky-purple, daughter of Melanie Long, female 'Dad'
B is for Blue, a blue, daughter of Aldric Davis (I remembered his last name!), uni Dad
C is for Cream, an off-white, daughter of Joe Collin, aka Mr Big
D is for Denim, a dark blue, son of Robi Galaxy (nee Wood; husband of Lyra)
E is for Emerald, a light green, daughter of Peter Galaxy the Servo
F is for Fern, a planty-green, plant-son of Lyra Galaxy (plantsim and mum)
G is for Gold, a shiny yellow, son of Repo Man the repo man (NPC)
H is for Harlequin, a bright green, son of Tucker Bruty, llama mascot.
Phew, I'm starting to rack up quite a list there. :D Thank you all for reading, I hope you liked. I'm off to party now! xxxx