Quick Real Life Update

May 17, 2012 20:29

Just a 'Waving The I'm Alive Flag' post really. I am here, and although I've commented on things a bit, I know I've not been very active in the simming community lately.

Most of this is because of my eyesight, which has been 20/20 for years but has got worse lately. As of this week I've got glasses for seeing long-distance, and the optician basically told me off for looking at a screen for too long every day. As I work at a computer screen for 7 and a half hours a day at work and can't cut that down because I neeeed this job, it had to be Sims that took the hit, and I've had to cut down my internet/simming time a lot. :(

Sims-wise, chapter 27 is actually done, but I'm just not happy with it yet; some scenes just seem...choppy. I also don't want to upload it until I'm well into shooting 28, so I know I've got everything right. This is from experience, as there are a couple of things in 26 that are wrong now that I know how they pan out in 27. So there should be a chapter at some point in the next few weeks, I hope. But I am simming at least. :) I played Veronaville for the first time EVER the other day and had fun, and I'm really enjoying reading people's updates still.

So yes, I'm here, just not as much as I'd like to be. *Hugs* to you all, hope you're all ok. xx

sims, rambling, real life

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