Who's Your Daddy? Chapter 10!!!

May 04, 2010 20:37

Hello everyone! Yes, it's true, I'm finally back with the Galaxy family and my Who's Your Daddy? Challenge! I've been having so much fun with the Psychologists since Christmas that I've barely been in Strangetown, so when I lost my nerve to open Pleasantview when Freud died, I had the perfect reason to catch up with this lot. :)

And without further ado: As far as I can remember, we last saw the Galaxy family just after Christmas 2009, so here's who we have in the house at the moment.

As always, there's Mummy Lyra and her ever suffering husband, Robi.

Lemon, the son of downtownie Holden Garth, is currently a child.

As is Maroon, the son of Headmaster Garrett Nanale.

Noir, the daughter of Professor Curtis Buckingham, is a toddler.

And Santa Klaus's daughter Orange is still a baby.

Last but by no means least, Jade is still kicking around. Jade is the daughter of mailman Cooper Rossi, and is staying in the house until she gets my 10 scholarship point, I think when this was taken she had something like 6 or 7.

Between this and my last update, as pretty much all of you know, I got FreeTime installed. Lyra's hobby is cuisine and it's with this in mind that I'm getting the next Daddy lined up.

Unfortuately for Sharlene here, it's not her. But her arrival does mean that Lyra can now go and meet the next baby Daddy whenever she likes; she's got a pass to Sue's Secret Kitchen.

But first, there's a birthday to be had. Lemon's becoming a teenager!

I have to say, he grew up rather well. I gave him the popularity aspiration and he has the want to own 5 top businesses, which there is no chance of him ever acheiving. :) But the best part about Lemon being teen?

He finger guns!!!
Lyra: 'Oh god, half of the female population just fainted, didn't they?'

Having this many kids in the house at once gets a bit crowded with my door system, so Lemon won't be around forever. Just until he's worn the private school uniform.

The next morning, Lyra finally gets enough cooking points to try and win the cooking competition (note the word 'try'), and I send her off to the lot.

Robi: 'Bye honey, have fun!'
Lyra: 'Oh, I will.'
Bless him, I do feel sorry for him sometimes.

When Lyra gets to the kitchen she's in luck to meet two more baby daddies! Xavier the maid was in my list anyway as he goes waaay back in her family's friends (he watched her grandad being born, how's that for weird).
Anyway, the student made himself a baby daddy when he did this:

He angered Xavier which caused him to growl, and then he poked him and shouted (which I missed), etc, which made this happen:

*shakes head* You don't make Xavier the maid cry. *notes down student as zombie father*
But I digress! None of these are the baby daddy we're looking for right now.

This guy is:

This is Food Judge. I love that Maxis were so lazy with his name. He's unselectable, so I originally decided to let Lyra win the competition to get boolpropped with his baby.

Then she lost.

So, I was generous and boolpropped her anyway, she interacted with him after all. Even if she didn't win he did...er...taste her food. Moving on!

When Lyra gets home there's another birthday, this time for Noir to become a child.

I do think she's pretty. :)

The night is then spent skilling...


...and being visited by many, many hobby people. None of whom are male so can't go on the daddy list.

The next morning Lyra's not so pregnantly exhausted, so we get to have a decent family meal and actually see Orange. Maroon and Noir were sleeping at this point, I think.

I tried to get a picture of all 4 kids getting onto the bus, but by the time Jade had caught up, Lemon was already on the bus, so you'll see him later.

Because for once there were no toddlers, that was the quietest day in the house so far this challenge, Lyra just stood and happily painted until the teenagers came home.

Until she popped with baby P, that is.

Ah, proof that Lemon looks extremely cute in his private school uniform, and that poor Jade is slogging away at homework, a teen job and scholarships, bless her.

Maroon also got an A+, and was yet another child to go to the parent who isn't actually their parent. :S

Another birthday, this time for Orange.

Her personality is 7,5,4,5,9 and with a makeover, I think she gets quite a lot from Santa.

She's also the first child not to have Lyra's brown eyes, so that really made me happy. :)

Sorry about the rubbish skill montage, I totally forgot to crop my pictures and now they're in order on my photobucket, so, yeah sorry.

Yet more fail from me because then Lemon moved out, I did a perfect screen shot of his scholarships....and then forgot to paste it into word and lost it. Sorry! He got 3,250 simoleons worth though.

And one more finger gun for the road.

I also love the fact that Robi came out to wave him off, because it's for Robi's sake that he's moving out. Yes, the poor hard-done-to husband finally gets a moment in the spotlight.

The spotlight from the spaceship, to be exact. :D

But don't worry, he's a knowledge sim and was pretty much over the moon to be abducted and, um, probed.

I think he'd get on well with Penny, don't you?

The next morning it's up to poor Jade to explain to Maroon and Noir why both Mummy and Daddy are too tired to eat breakfast. As well as getting me extra challenge points, Jade is also extremely useful for feeding the kids, looking after the toddler, and generally running the place. I'm so glad I kept her in the house. :)

Lyra does eventually get up in the early afternoon, and looks after Orange for a bit.

Before going back to bed and having the second pop of baby P.

Robi goes to work for the last time before paternity leave in his matching cool outfit and car.

And Lyra gets hold of Daddy R while Jade comes home and does her homework.

And looks after Orange.

And gets another scholarship. I love her dancing faces.

*sigh* Take a good look ladies, this is the last time you'll see this man looking good in a lycra suit for a little while.

Jade: 'I'm not even going to ask.'
Robi: 'Good, thank you!'

But he did smile for ages once he'd popped, whether it was a glitch or just knowledge sim happiness. So I thought it'd be cute to get a few 'yay a pregnant couple' photos.

And a random one of Maroon's happy cleaning face, because he's not had much facetime and is going to be a teen soon:

Alas, time flies, and I didn't have a pregnant couple for very long. Poor Orange just wandered straight off after this into the safety of Robi's room.

And it's a green boy named Purple!

Noir took the safer route with her A+, and she showed it to the sleeping pregnant parent, rather than the one that was giving birth.

But everyone woke up later when it was Maroon's birthday.

*sigh* Then I left Lyra on FreeWill for a split second too long.

Heh, and I nearly gave Maroon family. He got Knowledge in the end, and wants to be a criminal mastermind, ironically like Robi, who he's not exactly best friends with any more.

A quick bit of bonding with Lyra and he's good to go. I forgot yet another screenshot, but Maroon also got 3250 simoleons of scholarships, and went off to college to make room for baby R.

While Jade was waving Maroon off, Lyra made best friends with Orange, and then it was time for the first proper bit of sneaking around. 13 at-home conceptions are in the challenge rules, you see, and Lyra's only managed 8 so far, counting Robi's baby Q.

'Robi, why are we out here at midnight?'
'Well, your Mum just wants to use the photobooth...why don't we go on a nice nature hike as the three of us?'

Time for a little background on Baby Daddy R:

Last month I finalised the list of remaining baby daddies I wanted for Lyra, William the soon-to-be-vampire being one of them. Luckily, Lyra was in the welcome wagon when I moved him and his friend George in (you'll meet him in later chapters), and she got to know him before...well...

He became my game's first ever vampire. (And many, many hugs go to Tina for finding me the vampires don't burn indoors hack, I wouldn't have coped otherwise!)

So yes, William the Vampire is our baby daddy for R, and right after I took this photo I got panicky and moved the photobooth to the edge of the lot, so he could escape if need be.

I needn't have worried though, because in the hour it took Robi to lead Jade and Noir through some poison ivy, everything went rather swimmingly back home.

Thank you for being used by the Lyra Galaxy child production service, we'll call you when your child is an adult. (love the glitchy blue fangs with the glitchy woohoo heart, my game never ceases to make me laugh)

And just in time about 5 sim minutes and lots of panicking from me later, Robi arrives home with the girls.

Just in time to pop again with baby Q.

I don't actually have anything down as happening during the daylight hours of this day other than me trying to care for 2 pregnant sims again, so the next thing I have a picture of is Orange's child birthday.

I waited until dark so that Jade could be there, you see.

I love her to bits, and I think she's rather cool. And, as well as those blue eyes, she's also the first child to get the same hobby as Robi - tinkering!

That night, Lyra finally finds me a way to look after her more easily, and gets In The Zone about cooking. Phew, that's her needs off my mind for a bit. :)

And she pops with baby R that night, right as Robi stops being pregnant.


I think my exact words were 'Oh my god, she's goooorgeous!' at the time. :D
Now, you may be wondering what colours start with Q, and there are none. But being a rock and fossil geek when I was a child, I had a backup name:

This is Robi's alien daughter, Quartz.

I finally got a good 'going to school' picture, although a headmaster visit is imminent as only Jade is left in private school at the moment. I'm going to wait until Purple is a child in 3 or 4 sim days.

Because she's so much easier to leave In The Zoene, Lyra spent the day writing a restaurant review and getting the family loads of money.

Until Jade came home and did her last ever piece of homework! *dances*

Jade had one last skill point left, and she had a vacation day from work which I used for her to get that final scholarship (she grows up to adult in one day - cutting it fine much?!).

The funny thing was that Khaki wandered past the house and I let her in; she went straight to the stereo to cheer on her 'big' sister Jade. Bless them, I love these two.

So Khaki was still hanging around when I gave Jade a break and realised it was Purple's birthday that night.

I think he's a total cutie, but he's yet another one with one nice point, and a difficult personality of 9,10,9,3,1.

Another skilling montage made of fail because I forgot to crop:

'How to look completely studious and serious on the potty', by Purple Galaxy.

In the middle of all that skilling, Lyra had her second pop with baby R, and then the main event happened.

I got a screenshot!
No, sorry, I mean Jade got 10 scholarships. :)

Blimey that's a long list. :)

Oh Jade I'm going to miss you. You've had the longest teenage life of any sim ever in my game, and brought up roughly 6 of your siblings. Way to go, girl!

So, that leaves us with parental bonding moments:

And a birth.

Giving us baby Ruby! She's the third green baby in a row, but I don't mind. :)

Thanks for reading about the Galaxy family, and we'll see more from them after chapter 14 of Hypothesis Incorrect....and possibly chapter 15 as well.

One outtake for you:

Lemon grew up in Freud's groovy outfit! :D

So, for those of you with a good memory, the children from Lyra so far have been:

Amaranth, Blue, Cream
Denim, Emerald, Fern
Gold, Harlequin, Indigo
Jade, Khaki, Lemon
Maroon, Noir, Orange
Purple, Quartz, Ruby

No, I have no idea why I did it in threes either. :) See you all around! amylu. xxx

robi, wydc, babies, who's your daddy, chapter 10, lyra

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