May 21, 2004 13:53
This morning was hectic. The goal was to try to make it to Babies-R-Us at 9:30 to meet up with Suzanne and the twins. She wanted to take them there because American Baby Magazine was having open calls. So, I would NEVER normally do that kind of thing, because it's just not my thing. But, I figured what the hell, so I went. First, though, I wanted to take Mac to get her blood work done. The doctor finally faxed the papers over, so we were FINALLY (after 3 tries) able to get her blood work done. Plus, just as a side note type of thing, I did the pinworm test with the tape the lab gave me. So, hopefully we'll hear something by Tuesday. I hope there's something there, because I really don't want to do the stool testing. But, I'll do what I have to. We're going back to Suzanne's in an hour because that's when Leah will be home from school, and Mac wants to play. Plus, I really can relate to Suzanne, which I don't think I could for the 3 years she took care of Macky. It's weird. I'm losing weight at a really unhealthy rate and loving it. I'm doing a pound a day. I'm sure it'll slow down soon, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts. Even when I do have something to eat, my stomach will completely reject it, and I'll be in pain. It's great. I'm sickening myself reading what I just typed, but who cares? I have 60 lbs. to go now, instead of over 70, to be where I was before I got pregnant the first time. I'm not sure if I will ever actually be back to that weight, but I'm going to try. Nothing else is really going on, which is good. My sister is still a bitch. I talked to Layla the other day for a looong time, which is pretty rare. I don't know what happened to us. I used to like her and get along with her, and I think she felt the same. She's only a year older than me. She told me some stuff about her and Brian - nothing too personal that would piss me off, but just about their relationship in general, and how she thinks my parents have affected the way they communicate. I told her that without a doubt, Brian and I learned the silent treatment from my dad as a natural and normal way to handle conflict. Luckily, Joe had none of that from the beginning, and I don't think I even know how to give the silent treatment anymore. It's a sad way to live, though. Silent treatment is for losers. Nothing gets accomplished. Layla told me that she and Brian did the silent treatment thing for 3 months one time. She said that was the end of the silent treatment shit. I remember Brian telling me about it while it was going on. How can you live with someone and not talk to them for 3 months? Sleep in the same bed? Crazy.