Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

Mar 30, 2005 16:10

So, requisite life update.

I am so done with the last quarter, which was utter utter pain, and it is good. I didn't get as good of a grade on my history paper as I wanted, but on the other hand, I also was utterly exhausted the entire quarter, so I suppose I did well enough. My physics grade is an M, for Missing Grade, which worried me, but it turned out to be the registrar's fault and I got an A-, which is good.

I'm not sure if I'm going to like my history class for this quarter. It's half-history and half-political science, which I can deal with. And it's got a lot of reading, which I can also deal with. But the professor is kind of "traditional," by which I mean that he's a white-haired white guy who doesn't seem to think much very highly about cultural history or interdisciplinary stuff -- which by the way are my fortes -- and who isn't very feminist or post-modern -- which by the way are my biases. I am also inherently suspicious of any professor who, in the reading material for his course, gives us his own papers and books to read, because it seems... I don't know, strangely elitist. What's more, I have to write a paper on it, which makes me sigh. But we'll see how it goes.

I cut about a foot of my hair off, so now I have this, like, chin-length bob thing that's all layered and choppy and flips out. I think I rather like it. However, the conversation that I've had about eight times now:

"Amy, I love your hair!"
"Thanks! I look like Selphie, though."
"Selphie, from Final Fantasy."
"...oh my God, you do!"

Which gets tiring after awhile.

Neverwinter Nights has eaten my soul.

I have a new icon thanks to furrysaint, and breisleach who did all cropping and stuff for me. And it is all sorts of niftiness. For those of you who didn't know, the phoenix is kind of my pet mythical animal -- hence the "Kou'ai", actually.

I have devised a new word: sexpotluck.

Finally, the conclusion to the comic Avalon, which I used to read a lot of:

As the evening wears down, Ceilidh wanders out for some fresh air, and Phoebe follows. Phoebe confesses how much she has relied on Ceilidh for emotional support lately, and how grateful she's been for such a close friendship. Ceilidh, realizing how awkward Phoebe seems, hugs her, and explains the feeling is mutual. Subsequently, Phoebe kisses Ceilidh, and explains she feels love for her. Suitably flabbergasted, Ceilidh isn't sure what to do about this prospect, but Phoebe implores her to consider a different type of relationship.

I am so unsurprised. In a good way.
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