I finally got my DVD! I though it would never come but I got it, and watched it, and loved it so much I needed to make a review of it! WITH PICTURES! But the pictures took a real long time and I could only get disc one done for now :(
Anyways enjoy my picture list review of what I loved in Disc One!!!!!!
~ THE BEGINNING derp, enter the boys of course I'm gonna love it!
~ Junno while they came from the sky during N.M.P, he was like 'I know we're suppose to stand still and act all
cool but these dance moves are just so much fun!
~ This fan girl (sorry for the crappy quality they get better, promise) :
~ uuuummm... THIS:
~ The wall that fell down at the beginning of FALL DOWN
~ Koki Creppy Face, I have named it that! :
~ The fact that I could actually see their faces because I was watching a DVD not a download! No seriously I couldn't figure out why this seemed so epic then my sister was like 'hey I can actually see their sweat!' :
LOOK CLEAR JUNNO FACE! I digress, sorry that my bias coming out ~.^
~ Junno and Koki's random dance moment during their introductions, sadly I couldn't get a clear picture :(
~ REAL FACE! although a bit weird without Jin at first, I think they did a wonderful job XD
~ Ueda's tongue >.< :
~ um, KAME! :
~ Them waving at the fans up high, seriously they practically bend over backward to wave at them!
~ THAT! *look down* ~.^ :
~ Koki's singing at the beginning of One Drop. Its so rare that we hear him not being all hardcore and I was like
0.0 preeeeettyyyy
~ Junno at the beginning of Keep the Faith, at first I was like 'whoa that's not normal' but I do like it ^.^
~ Junno being a rock star in Keep the Faith, mainly video editing there but still epic! :
~ Ueda and Koki pretending they control the bursts of sparks (sadly my picture for that is not working)
(I was done and then my computer was stupid so now I'm re-typing everything that comes next... the things I do for KAT-TUN, ugh, here we goooooooooo)
~ THE D-MOTION!!!!! I loved it! I loved the changes! I loved their dancing! On that note...
~ Koki's finger to chest chest pump thing...
~ Kame's hips, when I first saw a KAT-TUN concert I was like whose that cocky creep but now I have to smile and Kame and his hips ^.^
~ LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! jfdakjhbkjbkjfkja
~ The changes were great in particular I liked the Rap/Beatbox part and Nakamaru's its love, your love, lo-lo-lo-love yourself!
~This part was pretty good too :
~ Make You Wet ~Chapter 2~ its was so Koki I had to smile
~ Thought the lolipop did make me roll my eyes (though not in a bad way or else there wouldn't be a picture) :
~ Koki's love affair with the fake bed... but I have to admit I though he would take more of his clothes off ~.^
~ THIS KID his 'shhh' pose made me smile and giggle, a lot (random side note: this image is literally saved to the computer as 'this kid'... oh random nameless boy I wonder who you are, will you forever remain nameless?) :
~ I love it when they pick on each other :
~ When they goof off with juniors
~ And when every Junno is on screen, especially with his think face ~.^ :
~Junno rap = <3... though he sounded kind of out of breath, which was oddly cute. And then he kept smirking at himself rapping while he was out of breath... Its a different smile than his usual happy performance smile, KYAAA
(On a different note, did any one notice but it kinda looked like Junno was lip-syncing part of his solo, not all of it, I watched it like... a lot to figure it out, it seemed like only when he was dancing or right after. And then I noticed the same thing with Maru... again right after he was dancing. Gah, I'm tangenting sorry, back to the topic at hand!)
~ I loved the dance break in the middle of Junno's solo, especially the way they used the light (theater kid here) :
~ When this came and I squeed XD :
~ Japanese Corner!
~ I liked Koki's drum part more than Kame's. Not that I didn't like Kame's it just reminded me of a kid slamming on a drum, which was cute, but I still found Koki's cooler. (I'm probably the first fan girl to say she didn't particularly care for Kame on drums)
~ Never fear for my Kame loving soul though... he blew flowers, a usually tacky gesture, and I died then came back to life to keep watching! :
~ Nakamaru and Junno's spinning, flying bit! I was so proud of Maru and his fear of heights! Not to mention I couldn't stop staring at Junno in his not closed Kimono, it's so rare to see Junno running around with his chest showing... I liked ~.^
~ I LOVED Nakamaru's solo, usually Maru is fairly average for me but this time I was like DAMN!
~ His dancing! so amazing, I'd never noticed his moves before!
~ I want the shoes Maru wore for his solo... that's relevant I swear cause, uuuuhhhh... good costuming choice! XP
~ When all the boys back-up danced for him I thought it was really sweet, and of course Junno's chest AGAIN, then I saw them smiling... XD:
~ The point in rescue where Nakamaru totally broke the Rescue hard core we're cool feel to say 'This is the last show let's go!' (please correct me if I translated wrong, I'm still a beginner) with a huge grin... LOVE
~ The point when this happened :
~ Kame's tummy made its regular appearance, I've decided you can't have a KAT-TUN concert without Kame's Tummy, or his hips >.< :
~ Junno ripping off his tie and throwing it into the audience, I was like 'JUNNO... 0.0...replay!'
Seriously, I wish I was the fan girl whose head that fell on!
~ Koki Creepy Face made a comeback! I cried, and my sister said it was cute! WTF! :
He's trying to scare the children I swear!
ANYWAYS! After all that amazingness a black screen came up and indirectly told me to change the disc, which I did so with glee because I had a disc to change! And that concludes Disc One review... 2.0 (because I had to type it twice, stupid internet... but is ok cause its KAT-TUN!)
Stay Tuned for Disc 2 1.0... sometime in the unpredictable future when I have a day to devote to this wondrous task! Hope you enjoyed (maybe even smiled) take the pics if you want, comment if you'd like XD