Jan 22, 2007 20:31
You know how some days end completely different than what you had expected when you woke up that morning?
Today was one of those days. Work was unusual because I got booted from my desk because my mother needed to use the one and only typewriter (yes, a typewriter) that makes its home on my desk. So I had to work from her desk. I was all set to continue on with the accounting that needed to be done, when the head engineer requested my help in finishing up some projects before he goes on vacation the end of the week. DH is his assistant, but since he is out of town (now definitely through the end of the of the week) I had to help fill in. Which I was thrilled with, because it meant I got to play around with the engineering side of the business. There are quite a few projects that need to be done, so at the end of the day today I volunteered to come in tomorrow which is normally my off day to continue to help him out.
I get the kids from school, hit the library and come home. After vegging out a few minutes watching ESPN, I started on dinner. That's when my sister-in-law called. To say she's getting married. On Friday.
It actually wasn't the most surprising news since she had given us a heads up before Christmas that she was thinking of marrying her boyfriend, and that they will probably elope. She has only been dating him since September, and we had hoped to meet the future brother-in-law before they got married, but no such luck. They are leaving on a cruise on Saturday, and want to make it their honeymoon. If they had been around this weekend I would have considered flying down for the wedding, but since they are leaving right away, it doesn't make sense.
So instead we went to plan B - which was booking a trip to Florida President's Day weekend to meet the brother-in-law. After two hours of phone calls, and flight searching, I finally booked the flights a short time ago. The kids will have to miss a couple days of school, because to go strictly for the long weekend would have cost a small fortune. So now, three weeks from tomorrow we'll be flying to Orlando for five days. Woo Hoo! Impromptu vacation!
real life,