(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 21:17


Wow, am I pooped. Two very late nights had me dragging butt most of the day. I made the mistake of looking into the computer game that my older son has gotten addicted to - Roller Coaster Tycoon. Yeah, now I know why it's addictive. It's an evil, evil game and I become way too attached to my parks I create. So that was my excuse for the very late night two nights ago. Last night I had a more legitimate excuse. My father asked me to take a look at his laptop because it suddenly wouldn't boot up. It was missing an essential .dll file that was easy to replace, however the various viruses, spyware and adware that was on it has been harder to fix. I've been working on it on and off since Monday night and took another crack at it last night. I was determined to fix it until I hit the point at 1:30 AM when I just couldn't think anymore.

The muse has been working on overdrive lately. The problem is she's been a bit flighty. I've probably started and walked through half a dozen different ideas the last few days. I love each of them, and they range from fluff to dark. I've written bits and pieces of most of them. However, I know realistically I can't actually follow through on every idea in its full blown capacity. But I like most of the scenes I've written. I've been holding on to them to see which ones might progress into actual chaptered fics, and which ones might just be good fodder for the fanfic100 table. I do definitely have at least two stories ready for fanfic100, plus I made good progress of My Life as a Joe. I need to have a good couple of hours for final read-throughs and time to post. The one thing I will promise is that the next chapter of Hits of the Year, in some form or another will go up on Sunday.

So other than too many hours wasted on the computer my days have been taken up with kids activities and my gym. My mom (who is the one that talked me into joining) has been saying for months how much she loves the gym. I joined last May, and thought it was a very nice gym, but really couldn't see where the love comes in. That all changed once the new Winter class schedule started. I had been taking two body sculpting type classes twice a week (when I actually got to both classes) but now I'm expanding my horizons. They added a beginners Pilates class with this male teacher named Piper. 'nuff said. Needless to say the class is worth going to just for the Piper show. I'm also taking an Intro to Step class so I can hopefully hold my own in a Step class. I really like stepping, but I get so utterly lost and flustered when I can't keep up with the moves. I now love the gym as much as my mother. Plus it's fun because I meet up with her and a mutual friend and we take a couple of the classes together. I was telling my husband tonight how much easier it is to drag my ass to the gym early in the morning when I have promised to meet people there.

Over the weekend I went to a girls-only pajama party. It was fun. We ate, drank talked about everything and watched The Sweetest Thing. Unfortunately, the freak weather (it had started out in the fifties and rain during the day and quickly changed over to sleet and snow at night) put a damper on the festivities. However, since the kids spent the night at my mom's house and DH was out of town, I finally got my night alone! I truly think that is the first time that happened since probably early 1998. It was heavenly waking up to the sound of silence and knowing I didn't have to interact with anyone for a couple of hours.

real life, fic

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