So a couple of days ago, I was scanning the flist and came across
svilleficrecs's comment about Taylor Kitsch playing Gambit in the Wolverine movie coming out next month. I loved the X-Men movies (okay, maybe not the third one as much) so I've been pretty excited about it. I have watched the trailers several time, and even had an in-depth conversation with DH over it, as we tried to figure out who all the mutants are. (Which brings up a side question, I could swear I saw a trailer that actually flashed up the names of the mutants but I can't find it. Maybe I dreamt it.) But I never clued into the fact that it was Mr. Tim Riggins himself as Gambit.
And well, the idea broke my brain. I'm not sure why as while I do realize Tim is quite the hottie, I've never caught myself mesmerized by his FNL scenes. Maybe it's the idea that he's a high school student? I didn't think I was a big Gambit fan either. But Taylor playing him just works so well in my mind, and I might have watched the trailers a few more times. And downloaded icons.
I'm starting to think it's the hat.
Anyway, along the same lines, I do have to write a small ode to Friday Night Lights. I haven't openly squeed about it, especially as there are others on my flist that are more eloquent about it, but I do love so very much this show. I realized after the last episode that it really is one of my favorite TV series of all times. I especially give it props because other shows that made my top series of all times, seem to fizzle out somewhere around the 3rd season, but FNL is still going strong. It did stumble a bit last season, but it came back and gave us some great episodes this year (as opposed to say, BSG for example, that seemed (to me at least) hit bottom in season 3 and then started digging). I want to do a series rewatch, but I'm torn as to whether dive in after next week's series finale, or wait until DH gets back. I've been telling him for months to start watching the show, but as far as I know he's resisted. I know he won't be swayed by the hotness of Tim Riggins, but I think he would really enjoy the football aspect. And I think he could be a Coach/Mrs. Coach shipper. He is a Smallville Clark/Chloe shipper afterall.
First off - WTF? I mean, really - WTF? I'm having a hard time believing Derek is truly dead. In a show with time travel and all sort of other Sci-Fi gimmicks, I have to believe that in the slim chance it is renewed they will figure out a way to bring him back (if it isn't done during next week's finale). Plus, since I've resigned myself to the fact this will most likely be canceled, I haven't gotten overly attached to the show the last couple of weeks. However, I have a strong suspicion that if things aren't made right next week, and the show is then canceled, I will then be upset by the untimely passing of Derek Reese. Who would have thunk Brian Austin Green could have brought out such emotions?
One last TV in general comment. Didn't shows use to end their seasons/series in May? What's with all the shows ending in April?