Feb 17, 2009 15:43
Today is my second consecutive work day at home (yesterday was a holiday). Since my older son has been sick since he came home from school on Thursday, he spent the whole four day weekend not feeling good. I found out yesterday after an early morning visit to the pediatrician that he had Strep throat. I also found out that the younger one, although displaying no symptoms since a couple of days of fever last weekend, also had it. So a round of antibiotics for both of them were prescribed. The older one was still feeling less than 100% and despite the pediatrician clearing him for school after 24 hours on the antibiotics, he stayed home. I did go into work to grab some files, and touch base with my boss to get the game plan for the week. I brought home three reports to do, and finally finished a set of drawings that I have been working on for months. To celebrate, I took a Livejournal break.
So I was thinking that this working at home thing isn't so bad. I'm trying to decide if I would have gotten more or less accomplished the last couple of days here or at work. Obviously, I wouldn't have called it quits at 2:30 to start reading LJ in work, but with phones ringing and other distractions I also probably wouldn't have finally finished the drawings that have been a thorn in my side.
It took me a couple of days to catch up on all the TV goodness from Friday night. I still want to rewatch BSG since I've read quite a bit of meta on it yesterday. I thought Friday Night Lights was it's typical very good self, and I absolutely loved Psych. I thought that was one of the best episodes they've done. I need to rewatch this chunk of the season because most of the times it was on, I was distracted by a computer game, and wasn't paying attention to the episode. Kind of meh on Dollhouse, though.
Oh, and my one mini rant about TV in general, and Brothers and Sisters in particular - I hate when they blatantly lie in the previews. I don't want to spoil what supposedly happens in two weeks, but I read on-line that what they teased happens, doesn't. It's one thing to pull a fake-out, like cutting clips so it looks like one thing (which bugs me too) but to totally hype an event that doesn't happen, just pisses me off.
I also read my first 'not only made for the Kindle, but about the Kindle' e-book over the weekend. Stephen King wrote a short story / novella exclusive for the Kindle, and it proved that I would not only buy anything fictional Stephen King writes, but enjoy it too. It was a little eye rolling in the beginning, and a couple of paragraphs were blatant commercials for it (and as much as I love my Kindle, I even scoffed at some of the descriptions) but then he went off in his typical fantastical style, tying it into his multi-universed Dark Tower. So it was a pretty cool little read, and perfect for the bit of insomnia I had Sunday morning.
One last note, my husband, after much prodding, finally joined Facebook. He's doing it strictly as a way to upload his many photos of his many trips around Europe. He told me he disabled many of the notification options, because as he said 'he doesn't want to get involved in the Facebook bullshit'. But I'll take the fact that he actually updated his status this morning, that eventually he'll cave :)