Interview with Liv Kristine.
By me.
Published: You spent some time in Norway because of a film shooting. What was the work like?
It was first of all wonderful to be back home, seeing my family. We went around to see and film my favourite places at the west coast of Norway. Believe it or not, but we actually had sunshine, which is mostly not the case in that area.
Where can we see these shots in the future?
You will see them on our dvd, wchich will be more like a Leaves' Eyes movie.
You are going to decorate the stage with a beautiful Viking ship at the
Metal Female Voices Festival. How did you come up with this idea?
That was the idea of our lightening man and good friend Stefan Liebhauser, who had the idea to build a ten-metres long Vikingship. He and some of our great friends made this dream come true! Moreover, we will also show some of the movie material we shot in Norway during the show.
When some time ago you explained the origin of the band's name, you said you were looking for a homophone for your name, and that 'leaves' are connected to nature. Has nature always played such an important part in your life?
Absolutely. I lived for 20 years by the sea, near the forest and the mountains in Norway. At a very youg age I discovered the beauties, power and calming effect of Nature. I've spend more time outside than inside the house during my life.
You have been living in Germany for a while. Don't you sometimes miss your home, Norway?
I moved to Germany when I was 20. This is the right place for me right now, especially since My son was born here. However, I do miss my homecountry very much but there will be a time in the future when I will spend much more time in Norway, I am sure about that. Luckily we are living in a nature safety area in Germany. It's very peaceful here, even if I don't have the ocean in front of the house.
Your son, Leon Alexander was born after recording the songs for the
Lovelorn album. How did your pregnancy affect your music and lyrics, and how does being a mother affects your life now?
I became a much better singer since the pregnancy, which is often the case with female singers. There are songs both on Lovelorn and Vinland Saga which are strongly effected by the wonderful feeling of becoming and beeing a mother, mainly the ballads. Being a other is the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned to love in a new way. My family will always be the most important thing in my life. Then comes music.
Although the Legend Land EP came out last year, already 2 years have passed since the release of your latest album, Vinland Saga. When do you start working on the new songs?
We have already started. We have like at least 15 demo tracks. I've started to write vocal lines and new lyrics. Now, we also have a new drummer, Nick Barker. We arew so lucky and happy to have him in the band. It gives the band positive vibes and adds new inspiration.
Your latest solo album, Enter My Religion got released last year, as well. You have your own band, but you have a solo career, too. What inspires you when you write lyrics for Leaves' Eyes and for your own songs?
My lyrical work is mostly rooted in and based on my own state of mind and emotions. Of course this means that everything I write is more or less personal. However, music is a part of me, therefore it is a very personal.
You sang on Cradle of Filth's song, Nymphetamine a few years ago but you have done guest appearances for other bands, like Umbra et Imago and Atrocity, as well. Are you planning to work with more bands in the future?
I also did a duet with Marco/Nightwish and with Charlotte/Delain; both tracks were recorded for Delain's first album.
We all know what happened with you and Theatre of Tragedy years ago, so I won't ask about it. But: are you satisfied with your life now? Do you think with having Leaves' Eyes, your solo albums and your family you've achieved everything you've wanted and you are truly happy?
I am a very lucky person indeed; I've got my family and I've got music - and the best thing is that I can combine both. I've also got a very healthy body. That makes me truly happy. However, I am also a happy person when I can help or give a little happiness to somebody who needs it, through music, or by helping with special things. I am for example a member of an international blood "bank", giving blood, moreover I send packages to children on the streets or in children's homes in e.g. Romania as soon as there's a possibility. If I'm able to sell more records I will have more possibilities to help. This is truly a goal for me.