Sep 01, 2010 00:50
Work is just unbelievable. For this coming pay period, I will have over 45 hours of over time. So this check will be extremely nice. I work in a nursing home now, and have been since March. Although I haven't been at the same one. I worked at one for exactly 3 months and quit and now I've been at my job at the new nursing home since June 29th. I took a huge pay cut to work at the nursing home I'm at now. It's closer to home and my mom, but I'm always being called in because the other cna's don't know the meaning of coming to work. But hey, it's more money for me when all is said and done.
Me and mom are again talking about moving. We live in the country and have no one around to help us. Neither one of us really wants to move into city limits because we love love love the peace and quiet of the country life. So not really sure what will come of the moving talk.
I've come to the realization that I will never find other guy to be in my life. Maybe I'm not meant to have any one. It's ok really...As of right now, I honestly don't have the time to have a boyfriend. I don't have time to have a life really. All I do is work sleep and eat. I don't have ANY friends to just go and hang out with either. Oh well...
I'm thinking about getting back into my writing though. When I do have some free time that is...
Well I guess I better get to bed...I do have work tomorrow.
hugs and kisses...