Nov 19, 2003 02:00
I had the most embarressing day today!!! I had class this evening, which ended up being my most embarrassing college experiance. As the class began a curly-haired blonde put a sign up sheet and marker placed on the professor's desk. My Prof. entered the room with her great Ronald McDonald smile and rosy cheeks. She immediatley dumped her belongings and went for the marker and began lecture by scribbling all kinds of notes on the ever so clean white board. Just when the silence was enough to accompany me into slumber and the white board was scribbled all over upon The blond's voice erupted, "Excuse me Professor, may I ask where you got that marker?" "On the desk," she says. "Oh no that's a permanant marker." The teaching looks at the messed up board in mortifacation and I cannot help butbegin laughing hysterically as the rest of the class follows. In the midst of laughing I continue consuming my Mountain Dew and Kit Kat when suddenly my drink goes down the wrong pipe and I'm aspirating and the kit kat gets lodged in my throat. I was choking and no one could recognize that so I stood up at my seat and am pointing at my throat. Suddenly I've got a man and a woman hitting me in the back trying to unlodge it. They were unsuccessful, by then I was going blue and tears were streaming down my face. In the corner of the room a woman got up, a nurse and she runs over and started doing the Hiemlich Manuever finally it all dislodges and in attempt to spare myself further embarressment everything that came up I let go back in instead of all over the floor, and when I went for a breath of air it got lodged again and there I was choking again the nurse continued the procedure again and finally I was breathing. I then noticed fifty faces staring at me. Fortunatley, my embarressment was spared when a girl in the class farted loudly and this guys cell-phone went off. Wow, it was crazy and the most embarrasing event I've had in college!