Oct 27, 2009 20:00
I know I've said this before, but I again thank my years at Michi-Lu-Ca for bringing some glimmer of happiness and nostalgia to the household chore that I most loathe--cleaning the bathroom. Something about scrubbing a toilet always brings me back to Friday afternoons when we were all so exhausted and so desperate for the freedom of the weekend, with only the cleaning of a few toilets and the scrubbing of a few floors in our way. Although I must say, scrubbing a toilet at 8 months pregnant is not an easy task!
It is for a good cause, though. My mom is coming to visit for the weekend! YEAH! She's in town for a semi-surprise baby shower this Saturday. In order to have quality time with mom, the "surprise" element of day and time are not a secret anymore, although the location remains a secret. I'm actually thrilled about that! This whole week is already brighter knowing that I will have a fun chance to celebrate this coming baby with my mom and dear friends this weekend, and trying to imagine where this suprise might be is just enough to keep things really interesting.
This last week, I finally entered the territory of "Gosh, I'm ready for this baby to be born and to return to a non-pregnant life." The "fun" parts of pregnancy are slowly being eclipsed by what I thought were cliche pregnant-woman complaints: backache, lethargy, having to pee every 30 minutes, fierce baby kicks and punches which she delivers simulatenously, and the worst--while I'm sitting, somehow wiggling some little body part up under my rib cage, leaving me feeling bruised. OUCH! Gonzalo and I are both ready to welcome this girl into the world, and I look forward to toasting her arrival with a guilt-free glass of red wine. Oh yes :)
Hopefully I will have some more belly-pictures to share soon for those of you who don't see me on a regular basis. And although the due date is still about a month away, there's always the possibilty that this baby will come early. If she's anything like me before a big trip, she'll have a hard time patiently waiting for "departure time."