Mar 11, 2010 00:10
I hate my bank. Really. They took like $40 out of my account because I purposely over withdrew since I needed gas and was getting paid in a few hours a few weeks ago...even though you're supposed to be able to have four a month with no penalty. I got a nice little letter and all. I'm not going to have the time or energy for it tomorrow, but I'm slamming my fist on it Friday morning, bright and early when I'm a hellcat at best. I'm already really struggling financially as it is, I don't need them dipping their hands in my cash and stealing it. If I had known how little I have right now, I would have thought twice about my dumb purchases today. I have like $117 to work with right now and $300 worth of bills still waiting AND gas/food to buy for the next two weeks - NOT HAPPENING. I don't know wtf I'm going to do. Oh, and I have to get an oil change ASAP and even more gas money because I have to drive to Reading several times for work next week, which I'll be generously reimbursed for, but that check isn't helping now. My head is about to explode just thinking about all this. Things always work out in the end for me 'cause I'm a lucky bitch like that, but it usually involves lots of borrowing and fast talking which I haven't been up for lately. I just want to be financially stable like I used to be. Fucking Old Navy and being stingy with their hours, that's what it is. I am so over this having to work for a living thing, it's just not appealing.
I finally got my period a few hours ago. It's almost two weeks late and I usually only get it in the morning, but whatever. Nor did I feel any early cramps and my boobs weren't slightly sore. I kept getting dizzy and prepared myself to faint a few times these past few days. I was freaking out. I was thinking of what I could drink to encourage an early miscarriage. I really, really, really miss my awesome insurance because being on birth control was awesome. Not only was I free of pregnancy scares, but my period didn't just come whenever it felt like it, my cramps were only half as bad, and I was PMS-free too, imagine that! Pregnancy scares are the worst though. I'm telling ya, lesbians have all the luck.
So I now have a legit reason to be moody and cranky and lazy. My uterus is in charge.
My alarm is being set for 8:30 tomorrow. I wish I could sleep in :(