like emily said... "everyone's doing it!"

May 17, 2005 20:24

1. Your name spelled backwards: (oh this is hard!) remarc naej yma
2. Where were your parents born: uhhh, not a clue, dad:KS, mom:WA
3. What is the last thing you listened onto your computer: the moo of the alert of someone getting online
4. What's your favorite restaurant: umm its a tie between wendys and ghenis kahn mongoilan grill
5. Last time you swam in a pool: action swim night!! woot woot!
6. Have you ever been in a school play: no, but I've been in those choir performances
7. How many kids do you want:absolutely NADA!!! NONE!! ZIP!!! (what else can I say? --ZERO!!)
8 Type of music you dislike most: Country, although there are a few good songs..
9. Are you registered to vote: nope, not old enough yet
10. Do you have a car: kinda, share it with my sister when I get my lisence.
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped: uh huh, some bad experiences...
12. Ever prank call anybody: Duh
13. Ever get a parking ticket: Nope
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving: probably not, I'm too chicken..
15. Morning person or night owl: neither, i love my sleep
16. Do you have a garden: at my house, but I, personally, don't work in it.
17. What is the size of your bed: umm the small size.. but I love it! had it since forever and it friggin has my body imprint on it! sooo comfy!!
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? of the 1st verse yes, but non one knows all 3 unless they're freaks
19. Bath or shower: hmm I love baths but too time consuming.. well my showers can get long too... call it a tie
20. Best movie you have seen in the past 4 months: ladder 49, all the way
21. What are the next movies that you want to see: oh WAY too many
22. Chips or popcorn: chips
23. Have you ever broken any hearts:yeah I'm a jerk I know. I feel bad but what can I do? sorry!
24. Do you have any kids?: aaa NO! NEVER!
25. Religion: Christian (Brethren...hahaha)
26. Orange or Apple Juice: APPLE!!
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine: not a clue, possibly wendys with my mommy and carrie but I dont really remember if I've eaten out since then.
28. Favorite type of drink: apple juice!! or dasani water :)
29. Best thing in the world: hmm.. alex :)
30. Have you ever broken a bone:uh huh, my collar bones
31. Have you ever won a trophy: Yep, old school soccer back in the day!
32. What is your favorite board game: SORRY! I love bumping people back into their START position, haha!!
33. What are your dream cars: OMGosh!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT A YELLOW JEEP WRANGLER!! ohh, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial: I'm going to! its called proactiv for my icky face
35. Coke or Pepsi: uhh either, dont really take a preference
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work: never really had a real job, but some odd jobs at church and stuff yes, black on botton white on top
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy: deodorant! adidas all the way!
38. Who are you going to marry: well I want to marry this one guy but its in God's hands
39. Who would you like to meet: I think it would be fun to meet lindsey lohan just so we could take a pic of us and so i could show teresa (this cute little girl at church) that we're not twins and don;t look a think alike.
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? maybe
41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?:eyes
42. Where would you go for a romantic evening?: a beautiful beach at sunset
44. Last song stuck in your head:love song by 311
45. Any pets: umm uh huh... 1 dog, 2 cats, lots of fish, and a bunny wabbit
46. Who's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live regular? don't really know..
47. What’s one thing you would like to learn: how to be patient and loving at all times, like jesus :)
48. What do you do when you are bored: sleep
49. What are 2 things you would want someone to appreciate about you?: that i love them for who they are and that I will try my hardest to always stick by their side.
50. What is something you are grateful for today? my dad's encouragement in my time of frusteration with the whole softball/injury thing and the stupid people on my team (except carrie and chantel).
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