Jan 13, 2005 21:44
If she was I would be out having fun right now, not sitting here bored out of my mind...
Courtney, you're my only friend that never doesn't want to have some kind of fun...
Always down, I love ya!!!
My two other bar buddies bailed on me...Annie doesn't "feel like going out" and RachL has again bailed to go back to Phx (where she just came back from) to hang out with her boyfriend, who she spent all of winter break with...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Its the first fucking Thursday of school. LAME!
I could go out with all the Acct kids, but then I would have to be sober, that isn't fun, I was sober all of break (yes, I'm very back wards) minus christmas and new years...
There are other people I could go out with, but its not as much fun unless one of your crew is there.
Its times like this when it is difficult not to wish it was last year, everyone was always down to have fun, not too tired, or too engrossed in their boyfriend & all too willing to ditch their friends every weekend (thank god i'm over that stage). I miss the Canadian (my dearest Keely) as well, she, like Courtney, was always down for trouble. We made quite the threesome! Good old drug hub Star Ranch.
Jennay and Court on en route with Red Bulls, which we shall combine with some Vodka, and then we'll have some fun.