My ISU....

Dec 21, 2006 19:11

[mood |
extremely tired]

I'm SUPPOSE to be working... but, erm... these are so much more interesting. xD

▪ Althaiophobia is a fear of marshmallows
▪ Our eyes are always the same from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing T_T I think my ears and nose are big enough!
▪ On average, people fear spiders more than death Ha, I agree with this!
▪ A snail can sleep for three years
▪ Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants LMAO!
▪ A full moon always rises at sunset
▪ Human thighbones are as strong as concrete O_O
▪ The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by the Egyptians in 2000 BC
▪ Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue prints are different
▪ Until 1990, sausages were still legal tender in East Germany
▪ Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood we have only 206 bones in our bodies
▪ The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it's already been digested by a bee
▪ The human eye sees everything upside down, but the brain turns everything right side up Woah, COOL!
▪ One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet
▪ 23% of all photocopier faults are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks
▪ No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times
▪ The average human body makes enough carbon for 900 pencils
▪ The honeybee kills more people worldwide than all the poisonous snakes combined
▪ Each year insects eat one third of the worlds crops
▪ During a 24 hour period the average human will breathe 23, 040 times, exercise 7 million brain cells and speak 4, 800 words
▪ The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards
▪ During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 litre of urine. EW!
▪ In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept!
▪ Daily you will breath in 1 litre of other peoples' anal gases. EW AGAIN!
▪ Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently failed to wash their hands.
▪ In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty linen basket.
▪ At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests. In other words, don't hook up at wedding receptions! Wait... you can only get cold sores from kissing right...?
▪ Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
▪ No word in the English language rhymes with month. ........... *can't think of anything*
▪ Coca-cola was originally green.
▪ Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age. Ew >.< The thought of that disgusts me....
▪ Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than for the US Treasury.
▪ Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better. Interesting....
▪ In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees.
▪ Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. Nerdy sign #175093843: "I have 21% zinc and 43% copper in my hair! =D That's 57% more than the average person based on a sample size of 10. =D
▪ The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. Kinda...wrong....
▪ Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33.
▪ The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is necessary. When it was built in the 1940s, the state of Virginia still had segregation laws requiring separate toilet facilities for blacks and whites.
▪ Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds. Wooho! Go Montpelier! =D
▪ It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a gallon to clean the pot.
▪ In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
▪ Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.
▪ One of the reasons marijuana is illegal today because cotton growers in the 30s lobbied against hemp farmers - they saw it as competition. It is not chemically addictive as is nicotine, alcohol, or caffeine.
▪ Mark Twain didn't graduate from elementary school.
▪ Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation.
▪ Heinz Catsup leaving the bottle travels at 25 miles per year.
▪ It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.
▪ Men get hiccups more often than woman.
▪ Armadillos can be housebroken.
▪ People who can remember back to 1940 may tell you the world felt less crowded then, and it's true, there were only two people for every four who live today. Around the turn of the century there were only 1.6 billion people. In George Washington's time there were about 750 million people. In the time Jesus lived, there were only about 200 million people on earth, less than those just in the United States today. It is estimated that around 10000 BC the total was only five million people on the earth, less than the population of New York City.
▪ In Ancient Rome, the cure for epileptic fits was to spit on the person having the fit. The theory was that this would disgust the devil and make him leave the victim. Ew... xD Spit makes me queasy D8
▪ In 1666 a great fire leveled eighty percent of London, but it actually saved thousands of lives. At that time there was another major pandemic of 'black plague.' The fire sterilized much of London, and spread of the disease was stopped.
▪ The mask worn by Michael Myers in the Halloween movies, is actually a Captian Kirk (William Shatner) mask. Remember him from Star Trek? They simply painted it white, made the eye holes a bit bigger, and tusseled out the hair a bit. Surprisingly enough, the mask they were originally going to use was a clown mask, but changed their minds because they thought the white Captian Kirk mask looked scarier. (and it does!)
▪ As you know, it was common for ship captains to give their misbehaving sailors twenty-four lashes with a cat 'o nine tails. Some sailors learned to avoid this horrible punishment after a night of drinking by having a crucifix tattooed on their backs.
▪ In the Bible, the fruit that Eve ate in the Garden of Eden was not specifically an apple. In the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, it is called a banana. Some scientists believe the fruit may have been a lemon, because edible apples did not yet exist in the time and place of Eden.
▪ A student in ancient Athens came up with a way to force himself to stick to his studies that would work quite well even today. He shaved the hair off half of his head. Then when he was tempted to step out, he would remember his appearance, and out of embarrassment would stay home and study instead. Lmao, that won't work now. I'll be on the computer instead xD;;
▪ Evidence is mounting which indicates that the dinosaurs disappeared off the earth 66 million years ago due to a catastrophic impact. A huge asteroid, renegade planetoid or rock of some sort smashed into the earth creating a huge dust storm and resulting change in weather. Furthermore, new evidence suggests it wasn't the first time. Paleontologists have now found signs in the rocks that another huge impact extinguished thousands of species 200 million years ago. For evidence they are using radioactive testing of thin layers of sediment which may be the fallout of dust from the impact, changes in the species counts in differing layers of rock, abrupt changes in the rock itself that have been laid down, studies of microorganisms' fossils, and changes in flora of the era such as opportunistic ferns that suddenly flourished after their enemies died out.
▪ These occurrences of huge things smashing into the earth may not all be history. It could happen again, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. On October 30, 1937, a planetoid called Hermes, came closer than a quarter-million miles from earth. This is closer than the moon. If it had been much closer than that, the earth's gravity could have sucked it in, wiping out whatever city it may have landed on. It would also have kicked up such a dust storm that the weather could have become colder for hundreds of years, and destroyed the buildings and connections of civilization with all the resultant earthquakes. Bottom line: We're all doomed!
▪ In Europe in the 1500's translating the Bible was a dangerous undertaking. There was strong public opinion that the Bible should not be translated into common languages, but left in original Hebrew and Greek so that only educated church officials could read it.
▪ Outer space officially begins at 50 miles above the ground.
▪ Men's jackets button up with the left side overlapping the right so the clothing will not be in the way when the man has to quickly draw a sword or gun. Women's clothing buttons the other way to make breast feeding easier.
▪ One second after the sun sets where you are, the sun will set approximately two blocks away. So, nightfall is moving at about two blocks per second or 750 miles per hour, which is just about the speed of sound.
▪ The word salary came from the word salt in Roman times. Salt was used as a trading medium - money.
▪ The Rosetta stone was a slab covered with hieroglyphics found in Egypt that once deciphered, led to the unlocking of many more ancient Egyptian mysteries. The prominent Egyptologist who first managed to read it was seventeen years old at the time.
▪ The ancient town of Bethsaida, lost since biblical times, has recently been discovered. Situated on the north side of the Sea of Gallilee, this may prove to be a very exciting archaeological dig. Test borings show that the 20-acre town is full of artifacts. What makes this place particularly interesting is that Jesus was said to have performed several miracles here including restoring a man's sight and materializing food for five thousand hungry people.
▪ King Henry VIII of England, long known for his many wives and culinary gluttony, died at age 56, probably from scurvy, a condition of dietary deficiency. It was fashionable in his time for wealthy people to eat mostly meat, and very few vegetables, because 'vegetables were for peasants.' Omg that's me! >.< I'm going to die SUPER early then..... X_x
▪ Diamonds have been found in meteorites, but they are so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope. There may be millions of tons of diamond dust in space. That's cool! xD
▪ One major theory of the universe takes the Big Bang theory one step further. Astronomer Allan Sandage says that the universe did in fact originate as a single dense egg of matter that exploded. That is why all the galaxies are moving away from each other. It seems that this has been happening for about 15 billion years. (There has been life on earth for about 1.5 billion years.) But it won't go on expanding forever. Eventually the force of the expansion will be overcome by the gravity of all the matter in the universe, and will then reverse, at first slowly moving back together and then gaining speed, until finally all the universe will smash together in the middle again. And, then it will explode due to all the force, and start expanding again. According to Professor Sandage, we are about 15 billion years into an 80 billion year cycle that has happened over and over again, possibly thousands of times, possibly in a forever far beyond our powers of comprehension. Perhaps there have been earths before, with their civilizations, great inventions, great music, etc. Great... thought... X_X
▪ A grocery store in Libya has been standing since the year 164. Historians tell us that a sweet onion was the favorite dessert of the Romans. Cool but creepy xD;;;
▪ All members of the Roman empire were vegetarians until Julias Caesar.
▪ One night in 1833 there were almost a quarter-million shooting stars. Don't you wish you were there to see it? Yesh ;.;
▪ A man named Sir Henry Wyat was sentenced to the Tower of London, at a time when prisoners generally starved to death. Sir Henry's kitty-cat seemed to understand the situation because she snuck into the Tower, bringing him a freshly-killed pigeon, every day. When the king heard of this, he must have felt sad for the kitty, because he immediately set Sir Henry free. What a smart kitty =)
▪ Cats will not walk on aluminum foil. This is good to know when you are trying to protect something that your cat would tend to walk on such as a part-done jigsaw puzzle. That's odd... do they get shocked or something?

You Were Nice This Year!

You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list.
You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year.
Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good.
Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight?
Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?

Lol xPPP I actually wasn't THAT nice....

You Are a Funny Gift Giver

Your gifts are wacky, offbeat, and even borderline naughty.
You prefer to give a gift that makes someone crack up...
Forget utility. You prefer to give something that's totally hilarious.
What Kind of Gift Giver Are You?

Haha do I....? *does not know* I think I just tend to get stuff I know people will like. =3

You Are a Gingerbread House

A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you.
What Holiday Food Are You?

Gingerbread House!!! <33333

~Amy [will end up pulling a late-night tonight T_T On the bright side, TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY! =DDDD]

blogthings, interesting facts

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