Goals and Grumblings

Oct 05, 2013 23:55

Goals are big scary things.  My main goal is of course becoming a responsible English teacher over in Japan.  I want to teach lower-income or delinquent children, preferably high-school aged.  I'd really like to live in a community near the school so I could commute by foot.

However, to do this I have sooooooo many things that have to get dealt with.  Agoraphobia for one.  Panic attacks are not a good thing.  So I plan to get and train a PSD (Psychiatric Service Dog), which requires: affording, finding, training, and certifying said dog.  Then there's the educational side.  I need to graduate--in other words, finish my last semester, so I have to go back to school, get a TSEL certification, and learn Japanese to at least a minimal level of fluency and literacy.  This just requires buckling down and really studying, which I am (slowly) doing.  And then there's just getting in better health physically and spiritually, and, hopefully, financially.  (Financially means finding a way of making a higher income while working on all the other stuff, which is also a pain when you can't really go outside well.)  I really need to be writing more than I do, or at least finishing the stuff that I write.  I have a lot of half-baked blogs which aren't postable yet.  I should get those done... hmmm...

Goals are scary.  Have I said that before? Haha.  Anyway, I am working on a plan.  I think these should be my first steps:

1. Health: Try to at least take a walk everyday.
2. Emotional: Find dog for training.
3. Spiritual:  Just try to be more dedicated in reading Scripture/praying.  I used to have a habit, which I need to rebuild.
4. Educational:  Contact Covenant, work on Japanese verb conjugations, write more in general to get words moving.

There we go.  That's a starting point I guess.  I'll work up from there.


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