Jan 16, 2015 23:15
I was thinking about words earlier, as I am prone to do, and ended up thinking about how we use the word "perserverence."
So, persereverence. Its a noun and a verb. According to etymologyonline.com, "mid-14c., from Old French perseverer "continue, persevere, endure" and directly from Latin perseverare "continue steadfastly, persist," from persevereus "very strict, earnest," from per- "very" + severus "strict"". Dictionary.com defines the word as "steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
The thing I find interesting is that there are two parts of "perserverence" listed above, and that people tend to take only one and leave the other. The first thing is the most obvious from the definitions--its the word "persistence." The second is implied as well, for instance in the idea of persisting withing a state---that is, "patience." Persistence is a word which exists as a noun and a verb, same as perseverence. Patience exists as a noun and an adverb. One cannot "patient", they can "be" patient, or patiently do something. Another thing I find interesting is that "persistence" is an active thing and thus can act as an active verb. Patience is a passive thing, it is defined by the idea of waiting.
Both are valid things to do, but the thing I find most interesting is that frequently when I hear people use the word "perservere", especially in terms of religious or emotional contexts, the word is being traded out almost singularly with the word "patience", and not being viewed in terms of persistence at all. Rather than active perserverence, we tend to recommend digging your heels in and waiting until situations change, rather than take steps to change them.
Mm, this is very interesting, isn't it? When we are told to perservere, is it not to be both patient and persistent? Is not action required? So why do we make it passive? Hmmm...
Anyway, that's all for my random thoughts today. I would like to expand this, but I am sick and my brain is fudge. Delicious fudge. May the zombie apocalypse not happen soon, because my brain would be a prime dessert food.
Now I want dessert. And to go to bed. Yum. :)
G'night ya'll.