In Which I'm Back...

Sep 22, 2007 09:14

Hey all I'm back ended up staying at the wedding longer than I planned so instead of coming back last night I got up at 4:30 and came home this morning. I actually really like driving early in the morning even if it was busy for 5am on a Saturday.

It's been an hard and interesting few days. Having a funeral and wedding back to back is strange to say the least but it all worked out well in the end. Thank you everyone who sent well wishes and thoughts and prayers my way I definitly felt them over the past couple of days and it helped easing everything including my internet withdrawl. :-)

Now I shall spend the rest of the day getting through my FLIst it's a massive mess... *sighs* I've also gotten part 9 of Corazon back from the beta and will be working on edits today. If I should get them done in a timely fashion I'll post it up today otherwise definitly by tomorrow.

I'm glad to be home with my computer and my cats. I'm definitly a hermity homebody. *nods*


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