Sprucing the Place Up Part 1

Feb 17, 2013 20:40

Spent the day cleaning this place up. New layout, new profile layout and cleaned out and re-added my interests. For the moment I only have the free account (I let my paid account lapse a while ago) going to wait and see if I actually stick around before going back to having a paid account. Honestly the only reason I'm considering a paid account is more icons (15 is kind of killing me lol) and more layout options when I feel like changing things up again (I'm used to tumblr with a million free layouts that are easy to switch in and out). But we'll see.

Still left to do is sorting out my icons and then going through and fixing up my friends list. Most of the work will be done on the Community end of things I will be cutting ruthlessly and maybe looking for new stuff. I will probably also cut dead journals and the like.

Going to try and do a post a day this week. Since it's Sunday it seems like a good time to try it.


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