Hiatus Again -- Probably Permanantly

Aug 05, 2012 21:39

I think it's time for me to go on hiatus again. This time probably permanently. I've already let my paid account and extra icons go and feel no qualms about it.

I just don't feel interested in LJ anymore. Honestly I loose more and more interest in online in general and after I move I will probably be spending much less time online anyway.

Until then you can find me on tumblr which is where most of my energy is spent these days.


Or you can follow me on Goodreads as well I would definitely love to have more friends over there.


Thanks for all the wonderful years everyone. I do miss the past but it's time for me to move on and LJ is no longer part of my online life and it's probably better for everyone if I just...leave. I won't be deleting or anything but I will no longer be checking my flist or posting here.

If you feel you must unfollow me I won't mind. It's not much good keeping a dead journal hanging around.

If you have my email address feel free to email me or message me on tumblr.

Thanks everyone and much love to all!
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