In Which...I Close One Book...and Open Another...

May 04, 2012 13:18

Should have made this post last week but I really wasn't in the head space for it I guess. Maybe I was still decompressing or maybe I was just having a rather bad day and couldn't be bothered. Probably it's a little of both.

Last Friday was my last day at my job for the past (almost) six years. I am glad to be free but it was a lot harder to say goodbye then I was anticipating it would be. I really loved the people I worked with (well most of them but isn't it always the case that there's at least a couple that you're glad to see the end of) and the job was okay too. I'll both miss and not miss the hours. I'll definitely miss being done at 11am but I definitely won't miss having to get up at quarter to 4 in the morning. The last year or so of that has just been really brutal on me.

So what does that mean for me now. I have absolutely no idea. I'm going down to Kentucky next week so hopefully some things will start rolling but not too quickly since the funds to do a full on move are not quiet in my pocket yet hopefully by September I'll be down there permanently that's the goal. So why did I leave my job so soon when I wasn't quiet ready to move? Simple I've used up all my potential time off this past year and in order to actually move down there I'll need to be able to go down there and do stuff. I've done the seat of my pants from afar move a couple of times and it's failed miserably this time I'm doing this differently and having freedom to come and go is most important to me. I have money saved that should hopefully get me through and my mom is being very sweet and helping cover the rest of what I need. Also I hope to be doing some small things on the side to earn some money too. We'll see how that goes and I'm sure I'll mention it here when it does.

Not much else going on in my life right now? Should have done stuff this week but...didn't...will try to get some stuff done this weekend and early next week before I leave. Otherwise I'm eyeing up Sunday which is my birthday. I can't believe I'm going to be...34...seriously how did I get so old? I feel quiet strange about it all. Physically I sometimes feel absolutely ancient (like an 80 year old woman) but mentally I still feel really young. Guess I'll try to hold onto that for as long as I can. I want to be one of those little old ladies who still feels like a teenager. That's my life goal.

So yes...another babbly post that goes nowhere. I'm sure when I started it that I had a purpose in mind but apparently I lost that somewhere along the way. I am going to attempt to be posting here more but...I make no promises and at this point I'm not sure anyone misses me anyway lol. But I miss you all. I really and truly do.


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