In Which....Strange Things are Happening...

Mar 31, 2012 10:08

It's the last day of March.  What a long and crazy month it's been.

To start with.  I gave my notice at work yesterday. My last day will be the 27th of April.  The reasons why I'll be getting into shortly's strange thinking about the fact that I won't be there anymore.  I do like my job though it's been grating on me a lot for the last year or so.  I will probably miss the hours the most.  Not the whole getting up at quarter to 4 to be to work at 5 part of it but the getting done at 11 everyday.  Yeah I'll miss that a lot.

The month started with Jackie (my Jackie not LJ Jackie though my Jackie does have a LJ too) coming to visit.  Jac was here for a little over a week and it was such an amazingly wonderful time.  We went to Minneapolis for the weekend and did some shopping but mostly we just hung out and snuggled and watched stuff and talked about writing and doing projects together and created to worlds and universes.  It was heaven.  And then Jackie had to leave... :-(

That gets to the reason I gave my notice.  I'm moving to Kentucky this summer.  Not sure exactly when but it's going to happen and I'm so excited.  I don't do long-distance relationships well and even though I'll be getting my own place to start with being closer will be so helpful with my stress and strain level.  Looking forward to it too much...except having to do more moving.  Ugh...I hate moving and I get to do it again.  Joy of all joy.

In other news I am officially attempting to write children's books.  With Jackie as my illustrator I have several things in the works but am at the moment working hard at completing the first rough draft of my first attempt.  I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it here before but it's called Dexter and Luna and it's about a wolf and a bunny becoming unlikely friends and having to deal with other people's reactions to their friendship and also eventually going on adventures and stuff.  I want the main focus to be about showing kids that it's okay to be friends with people who are different then them no matter what those around them might think and of course to do it in a fun, not hitting you over the head with the message, sort of way.  So far it's going okay I have one section of the first volume rough draft to go and then the fun will start...editing.  I hate editing and even though the reward will be watching the illustration part of it all I still...don't look forward to doing edits and rewrites and all of that sort of thing lol.  Oh well I'll get through it.  I have a couple of other ideas also germinating including a potential YA about dragons.  We shall see.  This whole journey might not take me anywhere but I have to try...I have to at least be able to say that I tried when I'm old and gray.

So yeah...I think that's all the major craziness going on in my life.  I'm also having some health issues but...I don't want to talk about that.  Nothing major I don't think but we'll see on that end.  For the moment I'm trying to remain upbeat and positive and focus on the good stuff.

I might do these types of posts more since I'll have actual stuff to talk about but...we'll see.  At the very least I thought I'd update you all to the happenings in my case there's anyone out there who might still actually be interested in the things I do.

Happy Spring Everyone!


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