New Layout and Profile Page

Jan 01, 2012 14:38

A fresh start for the new year with a new layout. Love this picture of Rarity so I thought it would be a good way to start off the year. Header and first weeks default icon was done by me art source unknown.

I also tweaked my profile page switching pictures up and such. Still need to work on my sidebar but I think I'm done with it for the day.

I will be starting to go through the coms I follow in order to clean things out and streamline things here on LJ a bit more. I spend less time here and it's mostly made up of things I'm no longer into all that much so maybe if I streamline and find more stuff I'm interested in the joy of LJ will come back a bit? I don't know. We shall see I guess. Not going to stress over it just going to try and have fun with it again. I'm not planning on unfollowing any people at this time might happen. Nothing personal I'm a different place now and want different things. I still love you all very much and thank each and everyone of you for still being around after all this time.

Hope everyone's having a great start to the new year. I'm hoping for good things this year. Really good things.


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