Monthly Goals (October Edition)

Oct 11, 2011 15:27

I was going to post this yesterday but of course when I finally got off my lazy butt in order to do it...LJ wasn't working. Typical lol.

This is a list of my goals for the month. Most would have made more sense had I actually started at the beginning of the month but oh well I can still attempt to get at least some of it done right? Right. *nods*


-Post something every day from here on out.
-Write at least 1,000 words. It doesn't sound like a lot but I haven't written much of anything in the past 3 months so it's best to start small. *nods*
-Annual Halloween all-costume/character Eye Candy. It's my favorite post of the year so I will definitely still be doing it. <3
-Try to comment more. I do check my flist at least once a day but I haven't been good about commenting on people's posts or answering the comments I've been getting. Must get back on track.


-Organize Icons, Revamp my sidebar & perhaps redo my index page.
-Go through communities I'm following get rid of some follow other start getting into collecting icons (find MLP ones)

~Real Life~
-Get back into reading. I've been reading but not books. Need to get back on track.
-Watch more stuff. Movies or TV Shows anything really

There that seems like a good start. Simple yet doable...I hope...

Hope all is well with all of you!


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