In Which...Wow How Did it Get So Late?

Aug 07, 2009 19:24

Seriously where did this day go? I spent most of it with my mom grocery shopping (and yes I did go to Goodwill and yes I did get books but only three this time) and then the rest of the time has been spent doing pretty much nothing so where did those hours go to?

Meh I'm glad this week is over it was like the longest on record in a really long time. Today didn't help though it didn't start out bad I allowed myself to sleep in an extra 15 minutes which was nice but everything fell apart when I got to work. Well before work since I got distracted by the song on the radio when I got in the car (Fireflies by City Owl, love that song) and accidentally threw the garage door clicker into the garbage without realizing it so that when I went to shut the garage door the clicker was no where to be found and I freaked out because I thought I'd had it when I got in the car but now assumed I dropped it outside even though I didn't hear it drop I didn't have enough time to do a proper search so I had to get out and punch the code in to shut the door (which thankfully I remembered even though it has to be at least a year since I've used it) and rush off to work. Then there was chaos in the form of too much stuff to put out and not enough space to put it in (I really need a TARDIS at work like seriously) and squabbles with the annoying co-worker they've given me to help me out (why couldn't I just have gotten the one morning stock girl that also cashiers and knows what she's doing and that I like. Seriously life would be so much easier for everyone) thankfully work was only four hours today and now I don't have to think about that place for four whole days.

Not much planned for that time off tomorrow my uncle and cousin are bringing up my other uncle's love seat that he gave me. I'm so excited we've only had the two recliners since we moved in here and I miss being able to be able to lay down in the living room on anything other then the floor. Plus this love seat is ultra comfortable so I'm happy about that as well. Before that I have to do some rush cleaning (though not too much since they're boys and my cousin's apartment is infamous in my family for being really messy. I've never been there so I can't say for certain but it has the reputation. After they're done moving in the love seat we'll have to feed them so tomorrow will be mostly busy and full but for the rest of the weekend I have nothing planned and for once I am looking forward to it.

Just home and computer and movies and probably some fanfic (both read and maybe written) and yeah...that sounds pretty good to me. *nods*

Hope you all have a good weekend...I'm sure I shall see you around.

(Credit sweetandsombre for the banner used in this post.)


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