Why I Love Being Obsessed with Harry Potter

Jul 30, 2009 10:48

Seriously I don't know what it is about Harry Potter but it has produced some of the most vibrant, wacky and awesome dreams that I have had in a really long time. I've always been disappointed that I haven't had more Rings related dreams but no the only real people type dreams I've had seem to involve Josh Holloway and baby elephants and rewriting the entirety of season two of Lost. While both were enjoyable they were not exactly what I was hoping for. But Harry Potter has never let me down each and everytime I get involved in the fandom I end up having these fabulously wacky dreams that leave me happy for days.

This time I was not personally involved (thank gods one time cleaning the outside of Hogwarts of creepy crawlies is enough for me) so it was even better. I think it was some sort of sudo-6th Year type situation and for some reason the Trio was spending Easter break at Grimmauld Place where they were baby sat by a rotating selection of Order members and of course Snape eventually gets a turn at the duty. You can assume that absolutely no one was happy about that arrangement. So then for some reason they had to go out and rescue Draco. From what I don't know but he had somehow gotten himself holed up in a hotel in Muggle London so they had to go out and get him back safely. This involved stealing a car, changing it's color and plates and ending with Snape in the drivers seat being questioned by a very worried Hermione if he even knew how to drive. He informs him that he does and he even has a drivers license and a car and then preceeds to tell them that his dad was a muggle and he spends the two months of the years when he isn't chained to Hogwarts in his home in a very muggle village and occasionally does go out among them and that Dumbledore who has decided it would probably best if one member of the staff & Order had a semi-solid foot and understanding of the muggle world encourages him to keep it up to date. Then he leaned over and hot wired the car basically just to show off since he could have started it magically if he'd wanted to. The Trio spends most of the trip to the hotel staring at Snape like he's grown three heads because teachers aren't supposed to be like real people...especially Snape. And he kind of sort of looked really hot when he was doing the hot wiring thing. (And trust me he did look really hot doing it)

So then they get to the hotel (which is the typically American variety which I don't know if they even have in London) and Draco is all huffy because it took them so long that he was bored and he couldn't figure out how to turn the box thing on. (Harry then took great joy in showing him how all you had to do is press the on button) But for some reason they have to stay and there are only two beds and the couch but Snape splits the two beds into four so no one was forced to share and then Draco points out that the couch is rather small and the complains because the guy at the desk said this room was supposed to have 3 beds and it obviously does and Hermione and Harry have to explain how the bed pulls out to become a bed and Ron and Draco are both dubious and think they're making it up. When they go to pull it out to show them Snape makes it happen with a flick of his wand scaring the crap out of both of them and then snarks at them that they've been a magical school for 6 years and still think like muggles.

And then I woke up and I was sad because I couldn't have gone back to sleep even if I wanted to because it was time to get up for work. *sighs* It wasn't even as long as the explanation makes it seem it was much too short... :-(

I know this totally sounds like I made this dream up but I really did have it and it really was awesome and would make an excellent cracky fic if I could ever figure out how Draco ended up in a hotel room in muggle London. Something to ponder I guess...

It also makes me want to re-visit my HP muses in that headverse thing just because they're clearly very bored.


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