This is Bad, Right? (1/1)

Mar 03, 2008 19:41

This is Bad Right? (1/1)
Author: Amy
Pairing: Eric Bana/Sirius Black, Orlando/Sean (See Author’s Note for More Details)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: For the Real People this Never Happened and no money is being made of the Harry Potter crew.
Summary: This may just be the reason my muses have been acting froggy lately…

Author’s Notes: This is for afra_schatz's prompt for my prompt table. She chose the Harry Potter section and gave me the prompt “Disaster of Epic Proportions” I think this would qualify.
Author’s Note #2: This takes place in the same mind/muse verse that my earlier fic Marauding tool place in. While it’s not necessarily imperative that you read that fic to understand this one it would probably make a lot more sense if you do. This is all in fun please don’t take this fic too seriously! Maurauding can be found HERE

Author’s Note #3: Title and one other quote is stolen from the Comic of Epic Proportions other wise known as Bob and George which can be found HERE and which I highly recommend (you do not need to have ever played Mega Man or even know what Mega Man is about to enjoy it…I certainly didn’t when I started it. Just make sure you have some extra time to devote to it because it’s an 8 year long ride of fun. I very much have that comic in mind when I think of my chaotic causing muses.

* * *

“I’m bored.”

“There’s a surprise.”

Remus Lupin sighed wearily as the two voices invaded the private bubble of peace and quiet he’d managed to build around himself and his book over the past hour. The first statement was made in a pitch perfect “going to get my way” whine that Sirius, like all the Black children, had inherited at birth. Sirius might not want to embrace his family tree but he was certainly not afraid to use the wiles passed down to him through it if it meant getting what he wanted. The second voice was a dry, sarcastic drawl that if he hadn’t inherited it then Snape had created and perfected if over the years has a tool to use it to dig at people and to protect himself from anyone who might want to come after him. It was also one of the few things that managed, without fail, to get under Sirius’s skin. Something that Severus knew and enjoyed.

Remus groaned in frustration as he watched the two men glare at each other. He knew from experience that if he didn’t cut them off in the next few seconds before they started in on each other he’d have a full fledged nettle on his hands before he could blink.

“Severus,” he said as evenly as he could manage. “Stop baiting him. And Sirius…” he continued quickly before Sirius had the chance to gloat about him telling Snape to stop. “If you’re bored…then do something so you’re not.”

“Do something?” Sirius said irritation heavy in his voice. “Do what? We’re locked in here!”

“We’re not locked in here, Sirius,” Remus said with an eye roll. “You have your bike and you’re completely free to go wherever you want to.”

“Not wherever I want to,” Sirius muttered and turned to glare at a door on an otherwise empty wall. A door locked so tightly that no amount of magic would be able to get it open. “I can’t believe she’s keeping us apart like this,” he continued with a whine.

“Can you really blame her?” Remus asked reasonably. “After the chaos you two caused the last time you were together?”

A grin spread wide and wicked across Sirius’s face at the mention of that wild day he’d spent with Eric. “Wasn’t it glorious?”

“No it wasn’t,” Remus rebuked simply. “She’s still trying to recover from the mess you two made. You’re lucky she’s just separated you two. She could have just sent you away.”

“She should have banished you to the pound,” Snape interjected with a slight sneer.

“Severus,” Remus growled in frustration. “Stop antagonizing him. You’re not…”

Anything he might have further said to admonish the smirking Snape was lost as he picked up the faintest of scratching sounds coming from the locked door. He turned his head slightly trying to determine if he’d actually heard something or had just imagined it. He hoped to figure out with alerting Sirius but he had no such luck on that account.

“What is it, Moony?” Sirius asked a touch of excitement growing in his voice. “Is someone trying to open the door?”

Sirius leaned forward and strained to hear what Remus was. He’d honed all his senses to the max thanks to the time he’d spent as Padfoot over the years but even at their peak in his human form they were no match for Remus’s senses even when he wasn’t in his wolf form. Remus was going to shake his head no because the noise hadn’t repeated itself but before he could it came again loud enough for Sirius to make out as well.

“Someone is,” Sirius said with a grin. “It’s Eric!”

“Now Sirius,” Remus said. “Don’t get too excited it could be nothing…it could be…anyone…”

He trailed off as the door swing open revealing a manically grinning Eric crouched on the floor. Three more heads appeared in the now open area, they were familiar to Remus but he’d never met them.

“This is a break out,” Eric said in his thick Australian accent he pulled himself to his feet and entered the room.

“Took you long enough,” Sirius drawled as he crossed the room to join Eric. There was a toothy grin on his face that erased any annoyance from his voice.

“Yeah, well,” Eric said with a shrug. “Some of us don’t have fancy wands. We have to do things the old fashioned way.” He held up his hands showing the lock picking tools he was holding. “A little archaic for you lot I suppose but it gets the job done.”

“How is that even possible?” Snape asked as he finally joined them. I thought she used magic to lock the door a muggle tool shouldn’t have been able to get past that.”

Eric sent a long look up and down Snape and shrugged his shoulders. “She used magic on your side of the door,” he agreed. “But it didn’t work out on our side because it didn’t agree with us and made us act strange.”

“It shouldn’t have done that,” Remus said in confusion.

“Yeah, well,” Eric said with a shifty look in Sirius’s direction. “Funny how things work out sometimes.”

“Ooooh,” Sirius said with a chuckle. “Sneaky, I like it.”

“I rather thought you might,” Eric answered and then pulled Sirius close enough that they could exchange a kiss. When they broke apart Eric took a moment to catch his breath before speaking again. “So…you wanna go do something stupid?”

“Do you even have to ask?” Sirius asked.

Then they were gone disappearing back through the door into the other room. Remus groaned softly to himself wondering just how much trouble they were going to cause this time. He exchanged a look with Severus and turned to follow them out the door determined to stop things if they got too carried away he felt Severus hesitated for a moment before following him curiosity driving even him through the door. As they crossed through it they were greeted by the three men who had peeked through when the door had opened. One of them with shaggy hair dyed three shades of blonde and chipped nail polish was bouncing excitedly on his feet. He heard Severus sigh wearily behind him and couldn’t stop the grin from forming on his lips.

“Oh my gods…it’s you,” the man said excitedly. “It’s really you. I mean…Eric said but I didn’t really think…Ow!” He squawked as one of the other men a bit shorter and neater whacked him on the back of his head.

“You’ll have to excuse Dom,” the man said. “He gets excitable when he hasn’t been walked.

“Shut it, Bills,” Dom said glaring at the other man.

They began to squabble back and forth in a way that reminded Remus of Harry and Draco only a lot more good-naturedly. The other man shook his hand and laughed.

“I’m Elijah,” he said holding out his hand. “The other two are Dominic and Billy and apparently both of them haven’t had their naps today.”

That comment earned a glared from the other two but it was effective in shutting them up. Remus looked at Elijah and his eyes widened as he took in his appearance. “Has anyone ever told you you look just like…?”

“Don’t say it,” Elijah said with a huff as Dominic and Billy dissolved into giggles.

“He gets it all the time,” Billy said with a grin.

“And it’s great each and every time,” Dominic finished.

Elijah muttered something under his breath and before Remus could even register what was happening the three of them were involved in an argument. It eventually led to smacks and hair pulling and ended with the three of them rolling around on the floor. Remus watched the proceedings with amusement. Snape was less impressed he muttered something that sounded suspiciously about being surrounded by idiots and wandered off towards the bookcases that lined the far wall.

As quickly as the fight started it was over. They popped up and began discussing settling their differences with a video game which led to more good natured squabbling. They asked Remus if he’d like to join them and he shook his head and politely declined. He wanted to finish his book and he had to keep an eye on Sirius and Eric to stop them before they did anything to stupid.

He settled down into a near by chair and read a chapter. The room was comfortable and quiet the only noise the occasional outburst from the boys playing their game. He glanced up and watched them for a moment and then let his eyes wander around the room. Severus was still standing near the bookcase flipping through a book the look on his face, that one really had to be an expert to even notice, showing that he found it very interesting. Sirius and Eric were on the opposite end of the room sitting at a pair of chairs whispering and occasionally glancing in Snape’s direction. Remus felt unease bubbling up in his stomach and knew that they were definitely up to something. Thankfully the entire length of the room stretched between them and Snape.

In the center of the room was a large couch. Sitting on it, lost in their own little world were the two main muses. Remus had met Orlando and Sean several times the most recently when they’d tried to help him clean up the disaster that Sirius and Eric had caused. They had acknowledged then new arrivals with a glance and a nod and then got back to what they’d been doing. Remus could imagine that they were used to the chaos and could tune it out quite easily if necessary. Orlando was stretched out across the couch head in Sean’s lap dozing while Sean read a book and ran his hands through Orlando’s hair. They looked relaxed and completely intone with each other though they weren’t even really doing anything.

While Remus watched Orlando’s eyes opened and he said something which caused Sean to shake his head and roll his eyes. Orlando rolled over and started getting to his feet. At the same moment he saw out of the corner of his eye Sirius whip out his wand and point it towards Severus. Warning bells rang in Remus’ head as he saw what was about to happen flash across his mind. He jumped to his feet the spell that Sirius called out drowned out by his own order for Sirius to stop.

“Sirius no!”

But he was too late. The spell had already left Sirius’s wand and snaked its way across the room. Instead of hitting Severus like it had been intended to it ran smack into Orlando who stood up at just the right moment to intercept it. Sean gave a small noise of horror as Orlando disappeared in a flash of light then his hands fumbled to catch something small and green that fell out of the air where Orlando had been. Remus rushed towards the couch the rest of the room following his action seconds later.

“What the…”

“Did you see...”

“What happened to…”

They all trailed off as the stopped in front of Sean who was staring down at his hands in pure shock. Resting in the protective curl of his hands was a small green frog that was whipping its head back in forth in what could only be confusion.

“A frog?”

“Where did that come from?”

“You don’t think…?”

“Orlando…?” Sean whispered hoarsely.

The small frog cocked its head upwards as best it could towards Sean. “Ribbit?” it croaked in what could only be termed as froggy confusion.

“Oh my god…” Elijah whispered.
“Sirius…what did you do?” Remus snapped turning towards his friend.

“I…I wasn’t aiming for him,” Sirius insisted lamely. “It was supposed to hit Snape he stood up at the wrong time!”

“So I gathered,” Remus said stiffly. “What transfiguration spell did you use?”

“One that James and I made up years ago,” Sirius said with a frown. “It wasn’t supposed to transfigure anything it was just supposed to make the person that it hit croak like a frog. I must have gotten something mixed up…”

“Obviously,” Severus muttered.

Remus turned to glare at him in annoyance but gave him a little leeway since he could have been turned into a frog like Sirius had intended. “Well…then…reverse the spell,” he ordered.

“Oh yeah…right…” Sirius muttered and lifted his wand towards the frog in Sean’s hand. A few seconds of silence passed and he lowered his wand with a frown.

“What is it?” Remus asked unease floating through him at the expression on his friends face.

“I…I don’t remember how to reverse it.”

“What?” Sean bit out tightly lifting his head to glare at Sirius. “What do you mean you don’t remember how to fix this?”

“I…” Sirius said gulping a little from the dangerous look being thrown his way. “It was years ago and…I just…don’t remember!”

“Did you think about reversing the spell when you cast it?” Remus said with an exasperated sigh. He was afraid he already knew the answer to the question.

“Well…” Sirius said looking everywhere but at Remus. “Maybe…not…really…”

“Sirius…” Remus said with sigh and a shake of his head.

“So let me get this straight,” Billy said. “He turned Orlando into a frog and now he can’t change him back?”

“That’s pretty much what it boils down to,” Remus said with a nod.

“I didn’t mean to do it!” Sirius whined helplessly.

“This is bad, right?” Dominic asked.
Before anyone could answer his question with its painfully obvious answer Sean turned and thrust the frog towards Dominic then seemed to think better of it and handed it towards Billy instead.

“Take him,” he said softly.

“Hey!” Dominic whined. “I’m the animal guy!”

Sean paid the whine no attention instead he gave a soft growl and launched himself towards Sirius. Eric must have realized what was coming and warned Sirius because he was able to sidestep the lunge and took off running. Sean was after him in a heartbeat with Eric close on both their tails trying in vain to call off Sean just by yelling at him.

“Oh yeah this is bad…Sean’s going to kill him if he can get his hands on him,” Elijah said in a voice that was way too cheerful given the chaos that was spreading out around them in waves.

“Well then,” Severus said silkily. “It’s not bad at all.”

“Severus…” Remus said with a sigh.

“What…” Snape snapped back in irritation. “He was aiming for me if you remember…”

“I know but being snide about it is not going to help, Orlando, Severus,” Remus pointed out reasonably and Snape sighed and grumbled under his breath.

“Can Orlando be helped?” Billy asked worriedly, bringing the frog a little closer to his chest.

“Almost every spell that doesn’t result in death can be undone,” Snape answered quickly bringing out his wand and taping it against his chin.

“Almost…” Billy murmured exchanging worried glances with the others.

“This is beyond my level,” Remus admitted after a moment of thought. “Severus…?”

“I could probably manage it after a few tries but…” Snape said thoughtfully. “It will probably be a painful process for him…’

“Maybe we should get her…” Dominic said glancing nervously upwards.

“She’s going to be furious,” Billy said with a sigh. “She was just starting to get back on track and having her main muse turned into a frog is definitely not going to help things…”

“No,” Remus said quickly. “We don’t need to get her involved just yet.”

“We can’t just leave him like that,” Severus said snidely. “I think she’ll notice rather quickly that her main muse has been turned into a frog.”

“Come on,” Remus said with an eye roll. “We’ll have to use the fireplace in the other room to summon Albus.”

“Albus…” Dominic said his eyes getting wide. “You mean…Dumbledore?”

“Do you think he can fix this?” Billy asked hopefully.

“If anyone can fix this it’ll be him,” Remus reassured him. “We’ll be back in a few minutes…get some water for Orlando, he’ll be more comfortable.”

He and Severus left them to set up a temporary home for Orlando and walked towards the other room. He hoped feverishly that Albus would be able to fix this. Because if this failed and Albus couldn’t turn Orlando back and they had to get her involved then things would not be looking very good for Sirius.

He’d be lucky if all she did to him was send him to the pound.

* * *
Author's Note #4: This was also heavily inspired by the Harry Potter fic The Familiar by Resonant. Which is a fun and silly Severus/Harry fic where Harry gets turned itno a frog and really I couldn't do it justice but Harry say Quidditch instead of Ribbit it's a real jem. You can find it HERE


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