What is more important - self preservation or forgiveness?
Self preservation. Really, was there any need to question this?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.
How did I lose my virginity?
I was 17...or maybe it was 16...anyhow, James and I made out under the pier at my parents' summer home in Martha's Vineyard, and let's just say I didn't make it home that night.
And that was probably more than enough information for some.
What is your favorite guilty indulgence?
Work. The more I pay attention to my work, the less I think about everything else.
If you could have dinner with anyone in all of history, who would it be, and why?
Gloria Steinem.
What makes you laugh?
Everything and nothing, all at the same time.
What do you want on your tombstone - and why?
How about my resume?
Hearing, Sight, Taste, Touch, and Smell. The five senses. Which would be the worst one for you to lose, and why?
Touch. There are some things you just can't live without, and feeling someone's skin on yours is one of them.
What is your favorite daydream, and why?
The one where I get a woman elected President, and then I work with her to fix the nation.
If you were left on a desert island, what three things would you take along?
A fancy dress, some expensive wine, and my Basset Hound. Because if you're gonna go out, you might as well do it with class. And I wouldn't be able to leave my best friend behind.
What is the most important decision you've made in your life and why?
I studied my ass off when I was in Law School.
If you could change one moment in your past, what would it be?
I don't really want to talk about it here, because I don't want Josh to find it and read about it and then act like the concieted asshole that he is.
What is the oddest gift you have been given?
A "trip to Tahiti".
How do you handle confrontations?
I win.
If you could live anywhere, where would you and why?
Right where I live, Washington, because it's where all the action's at.
What's better: democracy or monarchy?
I think a democratic republic is fine for now.
What would your life be, if it were a movie? Comedy, horror, drama sci-fi? And who would play you?
It would be a comedic drama with a side of romance, and I'd get someone fabulous like Cher to play me.
What is good and what is evil?
There are many pro-choice, pro-women's rights, democratic politicians who are good people, and then there are those right-wing, gun-loving, woman-beating assholes who I don't like.
Who is your personal role model?
Abigail Bartlet, but don't let her know that.
What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you?
I like to stay home with my significant other, wear plastic leis, drink fruity cocktails with umbrellas in them, listen to reggae music, and eat dishes that somehow combine pineapple, green peppers, and chicken like it was no big thing.
If you could invent a holiday, what and when would it be? What special traditions would take place on that day?
How about we invent a First Lady's Day? If we can have President's Day, then we sure as hell can honor their wives. I bet you haven't even thought about the hell they go through almost every day. They deserved to be honored at least one day of the year.
What's a typical day for you?
I usually get up at around 5am, and then I like to bike around the park near my place for a little while. Then it's back to my appartment, dressed and ready to leave the door by 6:30am. I usually stop by the Starbucks across from the Old Executive Office Building, to get a bagel and a vanilla latte with cinnamon, right before I get into the office, which is just before 7am. Then I sort through all the crap that's collected on my desk overnight, read the papers and wires, and update the rest of the staff on the events of the day and what their appropriate tasks should be. Then around 8am I have a meeting with the First Lady, outlining her schedule for the day. Sometimes when she's traveling, I go with her. All her speeches go through me, all her appointments, conferences, lectures, even her work schedule at the clinic goes through me first. I am like Abbey Bartlet's right hand. I'm not getting paid near what I got at almost anywhere else I've worked in the past, but there are other more important reasons to serve at the pleasure of the First Lady. After our meeting, usually the rest of the day is filled with meetings I sometimes sit in on, or speeches with I attend and watch with a fox's eye. I eat my lunch at my desk, while looking over press releases from issues that concern the First Lady. Then I usually get to argue with lobbyists, congressmen and women, or even the President's own staff (which I consider to be the most fun), for the remainder of the day. I get home somewhere around 9pm, and sometimes I order chinese or take my dog for a walk or go on a date or invite friends over to watch movies or any number of seemingly normal, everyday things...