Long time..

Sep 23, 2004 18:17

Alright so it's been a long time, I know.  It's been a long month to say the least.  I left for college on the 22nd of August, and have been here a month now.  It's pretty cool.  I've met a lot of cool people.  The first week I was here pretty much blew.  Orientation dragged on forever.  I mean a whole week.. err.  Then the camping/service projects.  Yea, that just sucked ass.  Classes aren't so bad.  Politics has definitely taken its toll on me, but other than that classes are pretty laid back. I have been up a few nights til about 3 writing papers, only because I am the BIGGEST procrastinator on this planet haha.  O well.  Basketbll workouts have started.  We lift and play as much as we can.  And we just started our conditioning today.  That wasn't too bad.  The run at the end was something else, but it was fun I guess.  You could say I'm pretty much dead now.  Tomorrow will be worse, haha.

The other weekend I got to see some of my closest friends at the brewer football game.  That was awesome.  I had a blast with all of them.  I've missed them so much.  I can't wait til I see them again.  I want a bunch of them to come down here some weekend and hang out.  Toni said she would, and I'm sure Kas and Linds would, too.  So we'll look into that soon :o).

Tomorrow night I'm going to UMO to hang out with Nick for the night.  Saturday I have to work at the MMA football game.  It's homecoming.  That should be fun.  I bet there will be a lot of people at it.  Which would be awesome.  And if they win, that would be cool, because they would all be so happy!!  Then depending on when the game gets over and what the weather is like, I might drive down to UNH to see Dani, since I won't see her much once bball starts for both of us.

Alright, well back to this shit we call hw.  Probably not, but we'll see.  Leave a comment if you want.  I'll try to post every day.  Later everyone.

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