Jun 26, 2004 16:35
So this past week went very well. I love my job. Working with those kids is awesome, I have so much fun. It's fun b/c I get to act and play as if I were 9 again, know what I mean? And it's like, the kids actually like me. They aren't rude or mean or anything. So that's a good thing. Now it's the weekend, and I'm so happy.
Last night I went to see The Notebook. It was a great movie. One of my favorites I would have to say.
Tonight, Megan is supposed to call me and let me know what's up. Court is leaving tomorrow so I think some of us are gonna hang out, maybe go out and do something fun, just to be with Court and have fun. I'm going to miss him. But I think this leave for him is good. He's gonna come back and be more of a man. I hope he does well.
So, I am gonna head out. Hopefully tonight goes well and I get to hang out with him. Latah everyone!
I found this survey in Ami's post a week or 2 ago...
*. name : Amy Lyn Freeman
*. nicknames : Ame, Ames, Amer, Free, Freeman, FreeFreak :)
*. hair color : Blonde
*. eye color : blue.
*. height : 5'7"
*. writing hand : Right.
013. do you bite your nails : nope.
014. can you roll your tongue : yes
016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : no .
017. can you blow smoke rings: no.
018. can you blow spit bubbles : haha maybe.
019. can you cross your eyes: yes.
020. colored hair: naw.
021. tattoos and where : none, but i would love to get one this summer!!!!
022. piercing and where: ears.
023. do you make your bed daily: sometimes.
024. what goes on first bra or underwear : Underwear.
025. which shoe goes on first : not sure.
036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : not that i can remember
037. how much money is usually in your wallet? : none, haha.
038. what jewelry do you wear : a watch and a necklace
039. whats sexiest on a guy : eyes and smile --> YOU have both :)
041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great : on time
042. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : um.. twirl, sure, twirl.
043. how many cereals are in your cabinet : blah, i dnot like cereal.
044. what utensils do you use eating pizza : fork and knife.
045. do you cook : yes if i have time. :)
046. how often do you brush your teeth : 1-2 times a day
047. how often do you shower/bathe : every day
048. how long do these showers last : usually 20 mins.
049. hair drying method : um.. yea..
050. do you paint your nails : nope
051. do you swear : sure do
052. do you mumble to yourself : all the time
053. do you spit in public : nope
054. do you have any regrets: sure do
055. whats in your cd player: a cd i made
056. person you talk most on the phone with : i dont really talk on the phone.
057. what color is your bedroom: white
058. do you use an alarm clock : my tv
059. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: i know, but im not telling :)
060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no, but now that you mention it, that would be rather fuN :)
061. ever sunbathed in the nude: haha only like tanning in a bed.
062. window seat or aisle : aisle
063. whats your sleeping position: um i think on my side.
064. what kind of bed do you like : a waterbed would be nice
066. do you snore : nope
067. do you sleepwalk : nope
068 do you talk in your sleep : i dont think so
069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yup
070. how about the light on : nope
071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : tv on the sleep timer.
072. had sex : haven't
073. were kissed or kissed someone: um...i dont even know
074. watched bambi : longgggggg time ago.
075. cried : oh maybe last night I got a tear in my eye from that movie
076. talked on the phone : this morning to my mom
077. read a book : HAHA i dont know
078. got a compliment : i dont remember
079. is music important to you : yes
080. do you sing? : when no one is around or it's up real loud.
081. what instruments do you play?: DRUMS
082. what do you think of Eminem : love him
083. pop music : yea.
084. rock music : yea.
085. punk music : yea.
086. rap music : love it
088. country : YES!
089. jazz : naw
090. classical : naw.
092. what is one band/singer you like that no one has heard of? : ?? i dunno.
093. your word : "yar" hahah
A - Act your age : thats not important.
B - Born on what day of the week : it was a thursday
C - Chore you hate : i dont know.
D - Dad's name?: Larry
E - Essential makeup item?: None
G - Gold or silver? : Silver.
H - Hometown? : Brewer.
I - Instruments you play? : drumset
J - Job title? : counselor at the brewer rec :)
K - Kids? : 2 is a good #.
L - Living arrangements? : with my parents, til Aug. 22, then it's off to MMA
M - Mom's name? : Patricia.. or Patti
N - Number of people you've slept with? : ...zero...
O - Overnight hospital stays? : none
P - Phobia? : heights maybe
Q - Quote you like? : "Love can be everything or nothing at all"
R - Religious affiliation? : catholic.. im a good girl and i go to church EVERY sunday :)
S - Siblings? : 2, plus 5 step.
T - Time you wake up? : depends on the day
U - Unique habit? : what?
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? : broccoli.
W - Worst habit? : swearing.
X - X-rays you've had? : 2.
Y - Yummy food you make?: mac n cheese
Z - Zodiac Sign? : Capricorn
09 things you look forward to:
1. college
2. getting married
3. having kids...
4. the summer
5. growing up and moving on
7. finding my soul mate
8. weekends
9. hanging out with my friends
08 things you like to wear:
1. jeans
2. socks
3. sweatshirts
4. t shirts
5. sandals
6. capris
7. PJs.
8. sneakers
04 people you want to spend more time with:
1. HIM
2. Kristy Baker
3. Megan Jacobs
4. Jordan McLain
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with: time will tell.