All is well in Smallsville. Yeah ok that is cheesy but it probably made you laugh. So it has been interesting lately... been so busy I haven't had time for my life, it is sad to think that I am 23 years old and my life turns around my school work. I love teaching though, and I love the kids I am going to be student teaching with. All that just seems to take over, maybe I need a little more fun in my life. I need some distractions.
I was talking to a friend on Monday... it was a really good talk, even though it ended in some tears on my side but Allen made a lot of sense. He told me to jump out there and say hello world per say. So here it goes:
Hello my friends! Welcome to my world, let's hang out sometime!
I know its cheesy, but he told me I need to make time for my friends, and make time to hang out, meet new people. I need to go to people instead of always waiting for them to come to me. I mean, how else am I supposed to meet people? And find myself a honey? So I am going to start going out there...
This may of not made to much sense, but it does in my head.
That's it... night all.