I've had this journal for approaching five years, & over that time, a hell of a lot has happened in my life, some awesome, some not so awesome, & I'm certainly a far different person now than I was two or three years ago.
A bit of a read through some of my older entries has made me decide that although I want to keep this journal for personal purposes, I don't necessarily want other people to read back through it. Even though most people were there, read those entries at the time - well, I'm sure those people understand even more why I'd prefer to close the door, so to speak, on certain times of my life.
I can't be bothered at all with going back through several years worth of entries & making them all private, so I'm simply moving journals. I've removed everyone from this journal, & added everyone to the new one. I think I got everyone, anyway, but if I've missed you, please feel free to add anyway. Likewise, if you don't want to add me back, no offense taken.