Rissa update

Jun 23, 2005 22:25

Well this morning Marissa woke up and just wasn't acting herself I called the dr to see how the strep culture came back and they said negative, so I called her dr and she said to come in so I did. First the nurse was so rude with no personality towards me she barely even talked to me just the facts so then the dr came in and did another throat culture and then I had to wait 15 for the results and during that time the dr came in and said I want to check her for Mono so I said OK and they did they drew a vial of blood from her and said that it would take an hour so I said I would go to my moms and they could call me there.

I get to my mom's and noone was home so I start to fix my kids lunch and then with in 5 minutes the dr's call and said that they drew the blood and tested it, but didn't read the paper and that they didn't run the mono test and that I had to come back in so that they could draw more blood. Marissa freaked out when they swabbed her throat and then really freaked out when they drew her blood now I have to do it all over again UUUGGGHHHH. Well my mom came home so I left the other three with her and back to the drs I go. Marissa said where are we going and I said to the dr's and she asked what are they going to do? How could I tell her so I just said we will see. We get there and they draw 2 more vials they said that the strep was still negative and that I would have to wait another hour so I left to go back to get my kids. They called and said that the test came back negative too and that they would send a vial downtown to see if she had ever had mono to see if that is why she keeps getting run down.

Anyways she has tonsilitis and they are talking about taking out her tonsils. WHEN WILL IT EVER END?!? she is only 3 I don't want to put my 3 year old under. My 6 year old was hard enough. I also hate seeing her always getting sore throats and Madi has been so healthy since hers came out. We shall see.

We had dinner at my moms and Rissa finally ate she has hardly eaten anything all week and after getting some food in her she really perked up so hopefully tomorrow will be better!!!!
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