Baking cake? Why, yes, please. :)
Also, I've been thinking (which is sometimes a bad thing)...
K/S Friending Meme (why, yes, this is shameless pimping at its best) made me start thinking about the different fandoms I've been a part of (and others I've had no part in, but have read some fics in), and, I have to admit, some of it scares me.
1. Harry Potter
I'm still a part of this fandom, and I'm still working on some more fics for it. I still read Draco/Harry, because that is my (all-time) OTP. But I've started reading Harry/Ron more now, too, which kinda makes me o.O
Additional 'ships: Draco/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Dean/Seamus, Neville/Ginny, Remus/Sirius, James Potter/Lucius Malfoy, Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy, and there's more, but listing them all would take forever.
2. Bones
Yeah, I'm not writing for this one anymore, but I wrote some Zack/Hodgins and Zack/Booth fics back in the day. I'll still read fics once in a while, but I'm not all into it anymore (mainly because Zack isn't on the show any longer, and I've stopped watching it because of that fact).
Additional 'ships: Hodgins/Booth, Booth/Brennan, Saroyan/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela
3. Star Trek
The 2009 movie got me into this fandom in November 2009. I still remember my first thoughts after watching it, "I wonder if there are any fics or communities on LiveJournal about Kirk/Spock." Boy, was I in for a surprise. I'm happy to say that on that day I discovered the grandfather of slash and the wonderfulness that is Kirk/Spock fic. :)
Additional 'ships: Spock/Scotty, Kirk/McCoy, Sulu/Chekov, Scotty/Uhura
4. Hardy Boys
Yeah..... I was into this for a little while. Is it horrible that I 'shipped Frank/Joe? (They're brothers... I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell...)
5. Star Wars
This will always be one of my favorite fandoms, because everything keeps growing. There's so much to love about it. :) My biggest 'ship has to be Luke/Han (then again, anyone/Han, because Harrison Ford. Dayum).
Additional 'ships: Han/Leia (that's actually about it lol)
I love this show. And I totes ship Sam/G like whoa.
Additional 'ships: G/Eric, Deeks/Kensi, Deeks/G (I ship a lot of people with G. Chris O'Donnell = HAWT)
7. Night at the Museum
Ever since the first movie came out, I had been shipping Jedediah/Octavius (because they're just so adorable together and so obviously perfect for each other). Then came more ships...
Additional 'ships: Larry/Ahk, Lewis/Clark, Teddy/Sacajawea
8. Hawaii Five-0
I've saved the best for last. lol I LOVE this show. So much. I've followed Alex O'Loughlin ever since Moonlight. *sigh* He's perfect. As is Steve/Danny. :D
Additional 'ships: Steve/Chin, Danny/Kono, Kono/Mary, (under certain circumstances) Steve/Victor
So yeah, that's about it. I really didn't mean to number all of them, cuz I wasn't going in any sort of order, but whatevs. lol