Title: Finally Asleep OR 4 Times Steve Couldn't Sleep + 1 Time He Could
amycoolz Character(s)/Pairing(s): Steve, Steve/Danny
Rating: G
Spoilers: None. :)
Warnings: None. :)
Word Count: (okay, this was done by hand, so it may not be accurate) 312
Summary: Steve's always had trouble sleeping, whether it's insomnia or nightmares; then one day he found the one thing that allowed him to finally fall asleep.
His insomnia was really getting to him. It had been months since he'd even slept, let alone gotten a full eight hours. He turned over onto his side, staring at the alarm clock in the hopes that it would either speed up time or magically put him to sleep.
He had no such luck.
He'd started to embrace not being able to sleep, really. It gave him time to tinker in the garage and clean up around the house. There was one night that he sat down and built, sanded, and stained a small birdhouse to put in front of his house.
There really weren't that many birds in Hawaii.
On the nights that he actually managed to shut his eyes longer than ten minutes, he was interrupted by "The Nightmare." It was the same one every night, and it was all he could do to try not thinking about the day his father was shot. He punched the bed over and over until his fists started to hurt, cursing at himself for not having been more careful.
It didn't help much.
The nights he couldn't shut off his brain were the worst. He got no peace from outside of his head as it was, and it really weighed down on him in the worst way. It was a never-ending battle with his subconscious for some quietness.
It was a fight he always lost.
He finally, gloriously found sleep in the purchase of Danny Williams's warm embrace. There was something about the way the strong arms wrapped around his waist held him down to Earth that made him feel safe; he never felt the need to get up and clean something to clear his head from his thoughts before his ears bled. He wasn't subject to the guiltiness of his father's death every night.
He had Danny and he was finally asleep.
Also, this was written as a prompt fill for a few of 4(or 5)+1 prompts that I made. I say 4 or 5 because I've always seen 5, but sometimes I can't write all 5. lol So here they are, if anyone wants to snag a few:
-4(or 5) Times Steve Couldn't Sleep +1 Time He Could
-4(or 5) Times Danny Got Shot +1 Time He Didn't
-(similarly) 4(or 5) Times Steve Didn't Get Shot +1 Time He Did
-4(or 5) Times Danny Wore A Tie +1 Time He Didn't
-4(or 5) Faces Steve Made +1 Danny Made