Jan 09, 2004 20:56
Erin accidentally did not close the door when she left for school Wednesday. I will probably have an 800.00 gas bill this month. I am so excited about Sharon's wedding. We are going to look at patterns for bridedsmaids dresses tomorrow. That will be cool. My mom can sew anything. I have been talking to someone from eharmony. His name is Eric and he lives a little south of Macon, GA. We are planning to "meet in Person" next Saturday. I am not sure what we are going to do, but he is coming up here. I still have time to think of something. Does anyone want any baby hamsters? They will be ready to go to their new homes about the 2nd week of Feb.
By the way, as it turns out, we did have one male and one female hamster. We had 11 baby hamsters on New Years Eve. Anna, is there a shot the vet can give hamsters to make them sterile? My mom keeps telling me something like that, buy I have never heard of it. One baby hamster died, but the other TEN are alive and well. I think Ben wold like several of them!!!!!!!