Meeting Minds, part 1

Jun 27, 2012 23:24

Here's a new one for y'all. This started as a request fic from nacinom and some others that wanted to see how John and Teyla got together. My plot kitty is purring happily over this story.

Title: Meeting Minds
Author: Amycat8733
Rating: M
Pairing(s): John/Teyla
Characters: John, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Woolsey
Genres: Gen, romance, het, drama, family
Warning(s): adult content.
Length: 9,046 words
Disclaimer: The characters and locales of SGA don't belong to me. For fun, not profit. I just swim in the pool. No borrowed OCs were harmed during this production.
Summary: Season 6. Teyla is tired of waiting for John, so she takes some advice and takes matters into her own hands. Romance and whump are in the air!

Dedication: This one is to nacinom and all of you that wanted to see how John and Teyla got together.

One night, she entered his quarters and saw him asleep on the bed with Torren beside him. John was laying on his left side with his right arm across Torren to ensure that the boy did not fall off or get up and get hurt messing with something he shouldn’t.

Unlike Teyla, John still kept his firearms in his room when Torren was there. He had been raised around guns and had been taught that they were not toys, so he did the same with Torren. Teyla noticed that Torren never tried to touch any of John’s guns. He respected them, but was not afraid of them.

It was at that time, watching the two sleep, that she realized that John Sheppard had made his interest known. He had plenty of offers for companionship and other arrangements, but he either turned them down or the fling never lasted long.

After their struggles against Michael, the wraith and getting Atlantis back to Pegasus they needed some time off. She suggested that they go to the outpost on Timbre. After checking to see if any other teams were going, which they weren’t, John and Ronon agreed, with Rodney grumbling the entire time.

The outpost on Timbre was in such good repair that the teams had started using as a vacation house. It was situated between a nice beach and a lush forest. You could hike, surf, hunt, sail, fish, or whatever you desired. The outpost was also roomy enough that several teams could stay at one time.

After they had been there a few days, John announced that he was going to the small island out in the bay for a few days. It was close to shore, only 20 minutes away by boat, but it was far enough that he liked to go there for some alone time.

Standing on the shore, watching him go, she wondered if her plan would succeed.

“It will work.”

The rumble from behind startled her. “What?”

“Your plan. It will work.” Ronon looked at her thoughtfully. “I’ve watched the two of you for years. I can read both of you pretty well, so I know it will work.”

Teyla looked at the Satedan. “This does not bother you?”

Ronon shook his head, dreadlocks flying. “Nope. I want the two of you to be happy, and I know it will not interfere with our missions. If it was, it would have by now.”

As Ronon walked away to go fishing, she considered his words, coming to a decision. She went inside to pack.

She waited ‘til the next day, then put her gear in the other canoe and rowed out to the island. As she neared the island, she spotted him, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, standing near the tree line. John had seen her coming and met her on the beach, his expression sober.

“Is something wrong?”

“No. I came to spend some time with you because I have things I wish to tell you.” At his expression, she quickly added “Nothing bad. In fact, it is all good.” She was happy to see his smile return, for it was the warm smile that only she saw.

He grabbed some of the gear she had brought as she picked up the rest. As they walked through the trees, she reached out and grabbed his hand. She felt him flinch slightly, but he didn’t pull away. In fact, he returned the gesture.

As they walked, she glanced sideways at him. He was slightly sweaty, his hair as messy as usual, but the dark circles under his eyes had faded somewhat and had taken some of the haunted look from his eyes. She surmised that he had been exercising when he saw the canoe coming.

A short walk brought them to his campsite. It was in a natural clearing, protected by trees and a cliff. There were flowering vines festooning many of the trees and their scent filled the air. The scent was heavenly, and she could feel her tension draining away at their heady perfume. To one side, a fresh water spring bubbled merrily into a deep pool before flowing away towards the bay.

As he set her gear down, John looked at what she had brought and realized that she had not brought a tent.

“Um, I see that you didn’t bring a tent. You go ahead and use mine. I’ll sleep out here by the fire.”

She could tell from the way he was rubbing his neck that he was uncomfortable.  “Do not worry about it. We shall decide that later.” Heading for her pack, she pulled out her tea. “Sit. I shall make us tea and we shall talk.”

She watched as he sat down on a blanket by the fire. She could tell he was trying to relax, but bad memories were making themselves felt. She could see it in his restless gaze and by the way his hands kept clenching into fists.

He saw the object of her gaze and stilled his restless hands. “Sorry. Last time a woman that I …cared for …told me she wanted to talk, I ended up spending two nights in a hotel before leaving for Afghanistan.”

Seeing his distress, Teyla deciding that she would have to move faster, stepped over in front of him and knelt. Taking his hands, she started rubbing his knuckles. “John, I did not come here to cause you distress. I came to offer you joy, peace and family.”

John looked up at her, his expression unreadable, hazel eyes hooded. “I already have a family. I have my brother, Dave. I have you and Torren John, Rodney, Jennifer, Sam, Ronon, Radek, and Carson.”

Teyla smiled, still holding his hands. “I wish to make the arrangement between us formal, and so does Torren. That is why he calls you ‘Da’. To him, you are his father.”

At her words, John’s eyes grew huge, the hazel brightening to green. It was a rarely seen expression of his surprise. “Um, I thought Athosians believed in the man making the first move.”

She nodded. “We do. I have thought about this a long time. By Athosian custom, you made the first move four years ago.” She saw that he was about to object, so she placed soft fingertips to his lips, stilling the objection. “Shhh. You would not have done what you did if there was no attraction between us. I have let it be long enough. Torren needs a father, you need a true family, and…I need you beside me, filling my heart and my bed. I want you to wake up to the warmth of loving arms rather than cold nightmares.”

“Are you sure about this? Um, I mean, I don’t have a lot to offer you… and, um… there are lots of guys out there that would probably be better…” Inwardly, John cursed. Every time he needed to express his feelings, he found himself tongue-tied and fumbling like a 14 year old with his first crush.

Teyla put her hand to his lips. “Shhh. You caught my interest as no other man has or will. You see me, not just a beautiful woman to bear you children. You treat me as your equal, not as a decoration. You care for my son as if he was your own, and that is priceless.”

“Well, yeah, sure, Torren is a great kid, and I would never treat you as less than I. Hell, you still kick my ass in the gym and probably always will. “ Ducking his head, John reached up and rubbed his neck again. “I’ve… loved you… from the moment I set eyes on you, but I… was too scared to admit it and couldn’t find the words to say it.”

Teyla reached out and gently lifted his chin so she could look into his eyes. “It is time to face your fear, for it is keeping us apart. I do not want that and I believe you do not wish it either.  As for words, your actions and your heart have said plenty.”

John looked stunned. “Teyla, I…”

Whatever else he was going to say was lost as she reached up, placed her hands to either side of his face and drew him into a long, deep kiss. After a moment, he returned the kiss thereby giving her the answer she desired; his arms slipping around her to hold her close, having decided to crack open the wall around his feelings and do something he had desired for a long time.

After they ended the kiss, he looked into her eyes. She reached down, grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off in one smooth motion. Teyla felt John shudder slightly from desire held too long in check as she ran her hands across his chest.

After a moment, she felt his hands come up and rest on her waist. He kissed her as he started kneading her sides and lower back; gradually moving up until his thumbs brushed the curve of her breasts through her shirt.

She moved her hands to his shoulders, then to his face as they deepened the kiss. When they pulled back for air a second time, she untied the halter top she was wearing and cast it aside to land on his shirt, exposing the firm mounds of her breasts to him.

When Teyla took her shirt off, and he got to see her for the first time, John felt that heaven couldn’t be as sweet as this. Her breasts were pert, not too big and not too small. He couldn’t wait to cup them in his hands, letting his tongue flicker and dance across her hard nipples, hearing her moan as he did so.

The cool breeze was chill on her bare skin, but her skin was fever hot everywhere he touched her. She could feel the line of heat as he left a trail of kisses along her neck. She felt her eyes flutter as he searched out a particular spot on her neck, just below her ear and set his lips there. Instinct guided him as he gently flicked his tongue across that sensitive spot. When he sealed his lips around the spot and started sucking, she closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.

When he gently pulled away, Teyla opened her eyes. His lips were full and luscious from sucking on her neck. She leaned forward and kissed him again, tasting her own sweat on his lips. Ending the kiss, she moved towards his chest, planting kisses along the pillar of his throat.

When she reached the hollow of his collarbone, she pulled back to peek at John. His eyes were closed, lips parted slightly in pleasure. Gazing across his chest, she ran her hands across its lightly furred expanse, caressing his nipples when she reached them. At his gasp of pleasure, Teyla lowered her head to lick and tease them, enjoying the sounds of his arousal.

As they sipped of each other’s bodies, Teyla noticed an unusual feeling. It was like she was experiencing emotional double vision. As she bit down on one of John’s nipples, she felt his pain and how it fueled his arousal. That’s when she realized what was happening.

Charin had told her, after she started her courses, about the ways of men and women. One of the things Charin had told her was of the shareen, the lifebond. It was a connection that went beyond the merely physical. A couple that shared a shareen could, depending on their strength, sense their partner’s emotions and feelings. Stronger bonds allowed one to know the other’s general direction and location, but the strongest bond allowed for the exchange of not only feelings, but also thoughts. It was this bond that she felt forming between herself and John.

She stopped what she was doing and placed her hands to his cheeks. He opened his eyes at her touch, his pupils wide with desire and slightly unfocused.

“John, before we go further, I must tell you something of my people.” As his gaze focused, she continued. “Among the Athosians, there exists a bond called the shareen. It is a lifebond. Once forged, not even death can break it.”

His thoughts swirling in a sea of banked desire, it took John a moment to realize what she was saying. “This bond - you feel it between us?”

Teyla nodded. “I do, and if you concentrate, you will too.”

John closed his eyes, brow furrowing slightly in concentration. She sent a thought to him, a mental picture of what she wanted to do to him. She felt his happiness when he realized the true depth of what she was telling him.

His eyes snapped open in surprise followed by a naughty grin. “What are you waiting for?”

She looked deep into his hazel eyes. “You do not mind?”

John shook his head as he leaned back on the blanket, his upper body propped up on his elbows. “No. It feels…right, like something that is supposed to be.” Suddenly he shot upright. “Um, wait, we can’t do this right now.”

Teyla cocked her head. “Why not?”

“We have a problem. I don’t have any…um… protection with me.” John blushed.

“Protection?” Teyla was confused. Why would he need an armored vest to make love?

“Um…a condom. It’s to prevent pregnancy.” His blush grew deeper.

Teyla smiled. “Then we do not have a problem. That is what the tea is for.”

“Oh…um…That’s great.” John leaned back and relaxed again, eager to see the show.

Teyla stood and shimmied from her shorts and undies. His gasp of desire at seeing her nude brought a rush of heat and desire to her own body. She knelt down and unfastened John’s shorts, teasing him by slowly peeling them and his boxers down his long legs. Shorts tossed aside, she looked up to find him ready and waiting for her.

She crawled up his legs then pushed him back until he was stretched out on the blanket and proceeded to forge the mental and physical bond they would share for the rest of eternity.

Teyla kissed her way down his body, licking and teasing his nipples, trailing butterfly kisses down the center of his chest and abdomen until she reached his manhood. He was hard and ready. She could feel it in his breathing and in the tension in his muscles. As the head of his penis entered her, she gasped with pleasure at his size as he penetrated her and she heard his exclamation of pleasure at her tightness. As she slowly worked her way onto him, repeatedly raising up a bit then sliding down a little further each time, she heard John’s breathing change again.

“Teyla” he panted, “if you keep… doing that, I’m not… going to last.” Panting harder, he looked at her. “It’s been… too long for me.”

Understanding what he was telling her, she slid the rest of the way down him then stopped. Leaning forward, she kissed him. He reached up and started kneading her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. As she leaned back to catch her breath, her legs still clamped tightly around his thighs, he sat up and ducked his head, pulling her close to him so he could suck on her breasts.

“Oh, John, that…is…wonderful.”

He stopped for a moment, grinning as he changed targets. “Glad you like it, Teyla. I want you as aroused as you’ve got me. When you get to that point, you know what to do.” With that, he sent her a mental picture.

She gasped at the image he sent through the forming bond as his mouth clamped onto her other breast, one hand pulling her close, the other rolling and pinching her other nipple. She could feel her arousal building, and the bond with it as her control slipped. Teyla reached up, running her hands through John’s tufted hair, urging him on in his attention to her breasts.

Finally she reached the point where her arousal was about to explode. She grabbed John’s messy hair and lifted his face from her breasts, kissing him as she started to move again. Once her body was moving well, she pushed his shoulders down to the blanket, sliding almost to his end before going down on him. As she established a rhythm, she heard his breathing speed up, his hazel eyes losing focus as he neared his climax.

John’s spine bowed, his breath coming in heavy pants now. “Oh god, Teyla!”

She felt his control fail as he cried out her name, his seed spilling into her loins. She felt her own go as her orgasm caused her body to clamp tightly onto his, causing him to buck beneath her as they rode the waves of pleasure.

The moment that the bond formed was…incredible. It was like a door opened to her, allowing her access to the complex puzzle known as John Sheppard. She saw images of his life before Atlantis; shared his joys and sorrows, accomplishments and failures, pleasures and disappointments. She was with him the first time he flew solo, his unbridled joy a rare and precious thing. She felt his fear the first time he faced a Wraith. She felt his interest in her the first time he saw her. She felt his despair and pain as he lay immobile in the jumper, an iratus bug draining his life away. She saw him as he risked his life to save a friend.  She saw the argument with his father over his joining the Air Force, hearing the harsh words that were uttered that day. She felt his awe the first time he held Torren. The things that stood out most, though, were his respect, admiration and affection for her. She shared it all, but she knew that these were his memories and that only impressions would remain.

For John, the moment the bond formed was…mind-blowing. As the curtain parted, allowing him access to the tapestry that composed Teyla Emmagan, he was awed. Her life was so rich, so full of happiness even with the threat of the Wraith hanging over her head. He saw her mother, noticing how much like Tagan she looked. He saw her father, Torren, and saw his stamp on her as well. He saw her learn to be a good leader from her father and Charin. He saw her friendship with Kanaan, Halling, and so many others, each shaping her, lending her their strengths. He witnessed her sorrow at her mother’s departure, at her father being Culled, at Charin’s death. He saw her despair at finding the village on New Athos ransacked, the Athosians missing. He shared her joy when they found many of her people still alive. He shared her despair at her capture by Michael and her fear at what he would do to her baby. He felt her surprise when he, Ronon and Rodney rescued her. Most of all, he felt her affection and respect for him. He knew that he had only been granted a glimpse; that only impressions would remain but that the bond was now unbreakable.

They were both spent as she collapsed across his chest, breathing heavily and slick with sweat. His own breathing was struggling to slow down, his sweat slicked chest pulling in gulps of air. As she slowly slid from his manhood, he shivered with an echo of their orgasm.

Curling up against his side, Teyla rested her head on John’s shoulder, enjoying his warmth and scent as her hand slid playfully across his chest. She was almost asleep when she felt him shift.

“C’mon Teyla.” John leaned over, urging her to rise. “We need to get cleaned up and grab another blanket then we can curl up and take a nap.” His sudden yawn brought tears to his eyes. “See, you wore me out.”

Teyla smiled over her shoulder at him as she stood and headed for the pool. “Next time, it will be your turn.”

John perked up suddenly, his full attention on her. “Please?”

His expression was so eager that she laughed, his deeper laughter joining in a heartbeat later.

They slipped into the pool, bathing each other, finding time to throw in some kisses and teasing along the way.

John climbed from the pool first, his last reserves waning rapidly. He barely had the energy to slip into his tent and grab another blanket, slipping into his shorts, before he lay down on the blanket where they had so recently formed their bond. He was half asleep when he felt Teyla crawl under the blanket and snuggle against his left side, her head on his shoulder where she could hear his heartbeat, her right arm across his chest.

Teyla was almost asleep, sated and content, lying against John’s side with his arm curled protectively around her when a whisper of sound reached her ear.

“Love you, Teyla.” John, his voice slurring with sleepiness.

Teyla smiled, knowing all was right in their world. “I love you too, John.”


whump, het, romance, ronon, rodney, carson, john/teyla

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