Forget Me Not Chapter 3

Jan 06, 2014 00:04

Here's Chapter 3. Thanks to firedew1 for her beta!

Leaning on the balcony rail, John was enjoying the solitude. He enjoyed having friends and a family, but sometimes he needed alone time to center himself. Today, it wasn’t so much about centering, it was about worrying. Torren would be back in seven days. Hopefully, Teyla’s memory would return by then, or at least enough of it for her to remember her son and their relationship. The only thing worse he could think of than having to concoct an explanation for Torren would be explaining the boy to Teyla, along with her pregnancy. She was four and a half weeks along and, fortunately, had not yet developed a baby bump. He did not look forward to having to explain the situation if it went too long.
A chime drew his attention away from the ocean. Reaching out, he used the security system to see who was at the door. Fortunately, it was Rodney and Ronon with lunch. He thought the door open, granting them access, and headed into the suite. He had news to tell and figured that over lunch was as good a time as any.
“You’re what?” Rodney was so shocked that he spat out a piece of grilled near-chicken.
John leaned back in his chair to avoid any other food missiles. “Teyla and I are having a baby. She’s almost five weeks along.”
Ronon slid from his chair and enveloped John in a bear hug. “Congrats, brother.”
John patted him on the back while trying to catch his breath. “Thanks, Ronon. Now put … me down … so I … can breathe.”
Ronon set him on his feet, face split by a huge grin and steadied John while he caught his breath. Realizing the implications, his expression quickly sobered. “This is why you’re so worried about her memory?”
John dropped back into his chair. “Yeah. It’s going to be hard enough to explain to Torren if her memory doesn’t come back in the next few days.” Leaning forward, he buried his face in his hands. “Having to explain that she’s carrying my child when she doesn’t even remember our engagement is a conversation that I’d rather not have.”
A large warm hand settled on his shoulder. John peeked through his fingers up into Ronon’s brown eyes. “John, have faith and stay strong. You’ve gotten through worse situations than this and you’ll get through this one too.”
Another hand landed on his other shoulder. John turned and looked into Rodney’s blue eyes. “We’re the Three Musketeers. We’re with you all the way. You know, all for one and one for all. Now, why did you wait to tell us that you were pregnant?”
Both of John’s eyebrows shot up as Ronon burst out laughing. “Excuse me? I think I have the wrong equipment for that, unless you know something I don’t.”
Rodney stared at John and Ronon for a moment then he realized what he’d said. He shook his head in disbelief. “What are you, twelve? Get your minds out of the gutter. You know what I meant.”
A small smile graced John’s face. “Yeah, I do. We hadn’t told you yet because we wanted to get used to the idea ourselves.” John made a face. “We were planning to tell you this weekend on our trip to the mainland. We wanted to have a private celebration for family only before telling everyone else.”
Ronon looked at him. “That’s why you wanted Amelia to get the day off.”
John nodded. “Yeah.” Taking a bite, his face grew thoughtful as he chewed. “Carson got Dusty to escort Teyla around some today. Wonder how they did?”
Rodney swallowed his food. “No idea. You could always call and ask. It is your privilege as Military Commander to keep up with the health of those under your command, and especially those on your team.”
John stared for a minute, amazed at the insight from his normally oblivious friend. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at Rodney. “Alright, who are you and what have you done with the real McKay?”
Rodney spluttered, narrowly missing showering John and Ronon with water. “Hey, I can be insightful!” He lowered his eyes. “Plus I did occasionally pay attention while Jennifer and I were together.” He mumbled as he took another bite.
“Great time to get in touch with your feminine side!” Smiling, John reached for his com just as his door chime sounded. Curious, he reached out to check the security feed before opening the door with a thought.
The door slid open, revealing a surprised Carson standing on the other side. “Ah, lad, ye startled me! I tend to forget how easily you do that!”
“Care to join us, doc?” John drawled with a spark of humor in his eyes.
Carson poured a cup of coffee and pulled up a chair. “Thought I’d come by an’ give ye a progress report. Teyla regained a few memories today.” Taking a sip, he focused on John. “She hasna remembered your relationship yet, but she remembers seeing quite a bit of you in various … outfits. She’s also remembered the two o’ you plus Sam Carter.” He took another sip and reached for one of the cookies on John’s tray. “Accordin’ to Dusty, she knows where most things are, and she’s recognizing people that have been around since the beginning, but anyone past the first year is hit and miss.” At the smiles that erupted, he held up a finger in warning. ‘There’s still quite a ways to go yet, so don’t start celebratin’.”
Sobering quickly, John looked at Carson. “I know, but it’s still good news.” Taking a bite of his sandwich, he chewed as he thought. “Is there a way for us to help her memory?”
Carson shook his head. “No. The only cure is time. Dusty and Amelia are gonna take her around some more tomorrow. Normally, since you’re in the memories she’s regained, I’d have you do it, but I think you’re a little too involved.”
John lowered his head. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Carson wrapped his arm around John’s shoulders. “Buck up, lad. Have faith an’ it will be alright.”
John nodded. “I know. It’s just … really hard to sit, and wait. Wanting to help and knowing I can’t … is wearing on my nerves.”
Carson squeezed a bit harder. “I know. But that wasn’t the only reason I came by. I came to give you a checkup, so if we can adjourn to yer bedroom …”
Standing, Carson gave John a hand up and guided him towards the bedroom, John acquiescing without demur.
A short time later, the two men exited the bedroom, John with a bit more spring in his step.
“Just remember, I cleared ye for light duty and a limited workout. That does not cover sparring with Ronon or yer Marines.”
John waved a lazy hand at Carson as the doctor headed for the door. “I hear ya doc, and thanks.”
She was running through the dim woods, a white shape pursuing her. She thought the white shape - a Wraith - would catch her. Ronon and Rodney were too far away to help her.
Why did she think they would be unable to help her?
John. Where was John?
Why was she referring to the Colonel by his given name?
He would save her. He always came for her.
Ahead, in the woods, a dark shape stepped out from between two trees. John. His arms raised, he pointed a heavy machinegun behind her. Bursts of fire exploded from the muzzle as John fired. Turning, she watched as the Wraith jerked, the heavy caliber shots causing it to stagger and fall.
Turning back, she watched John shoulder the heavy weapon even as he turned his gaze upon her. His eyes glowed a smoky green in the dim light as he stepped towards her, his free hand coming up to caress her cheek.
“Teyla, I told you that I would always come for you, no matter what.” His hand shifted to cup her cheek. “It’s because I lo…”
At that very moment, her eyes snapped open to take in the bright lights of the infirmary. Confusion reigned for a moment, and then her determination to recover her memory reasserted itself. Swinging her legs off the bed, she headed for the bathroom, a change of clothes in her hands. When she came out, Dusty and another young woman were waiting for her.
Dusty turned to face her, a smile lighting her dusky features. “Teyla! I brought a friend to help us.”
Teyla paused, her head cocked to one side as she studied the newcomer. As she stared at the woman, images flashed into her head. Images of sitting at a table across from her, facing off against her in a sparring ring, watching her seated by Ronon’s side as they watched a movie floated through her head. “A … Amelia?”
Amelia clapped her hands, her long, dark hair flying. “That’s awesome!” She jumped up, hugging Teyla tight. “I’m so glad you remembered me!”
Teyla returned the hug, glad another piece had returned.
Dusty stood, clapping her hands together. “Well, now that that’s done, let’s get breakfast.”
Walking through the halls, listening to Dusty and Amelia chatter, more pieces of her memory filtered into place. More of the faces they passed seemed familiar, and with many of them she was able to attach names, but some still eluded her.
During breakfast, Teyla unwound enough to join in the joking, although at times she felt a bit out of her depth. From the corner of her eye, she spied Colonel Sheppard entering the mess hall, Ronon, Dr. McKay and Major Lorne accompanying him. Her eyes tracked him as he passed along the tables to gather his meal.
Dusty and Amelia, noticing her distraction, followed her gaze.
“Oh, I see the Colonel is back on duty.” Amelia grinned. “I know he’s glad about that.”
Teyla looked at her curiously. “How can you tell?”
Amelia stared blankly at her for a moment, and then shook herself as she remembered why Teyla would ask that question. “Well, I can tell he’s back on duty because he’s wearing his uniform. The glad part is easy ‘cause I can spot the spring in his step.”
Mulling over Amelia’s words, Teyla studied the Colonel. He was clean shaven although his hair was still messy. He had on a black shirt and trousers - BDUs, she remembered they were called - along with black boots. When he turned to answer the Major, she saw a pale triangle of flesh below his collar. A few dark chest hairs peeking above his shirt, although her memory, spotty as it was, told her that he normally wore a t-shirt underneath.
Beside her, Dusty leaned over to comment softly in her ear. “Teyla, quit staring and eat. You have a duty to that man to recover as quickly as possible.”
Teyla leaned into Dusty. “How so? I am not under his command.”
Dusty gave her a smile normally reserved for someone being slightly dense. “You are part of his team, and he relies on your knowledge and advice when dealing with many of the cultures we encounter. If you get sick, you can’t help, and he needs all the help he can get. We all do what we can to make his life easier.”
Amelia leaned in. “Yeah, Dusty’s right. Being responsible for the protection of this city and head of the military contingent is a huge job, but he’s also in charge of most of the city’s supply chain. He also personally oversees training, exploration of the city and new planets, as well as spending time with Zelenka and McKay testing devices.”
“I see.” Teyla nodded. “You are correct. Since he bears such an enormous amount of responsibility and is in charge of our security, it is our duty to make his life easier.”
Dusty bumped her shoulder. “I knew you’d get the picture.” Privately, she hoped Teyla would regain her memories of their relationship soon. From the tension in his shoulders, he could definitely use someone to help him unwind.
The three women spent a sizeable portion of the day together, but separated just after lunch. Amelia and Dusty both had duties to attend to. After another checkup and a memory quiz, Dr. Beckett allowed her to roam on her own. He did, however, give her an active tracking device that would allow her to be easily found if she became ill while warning her away from dangerous areas of the city.
Teyla spent the rest of the day exploring and testing her returning memories. Returning to the infirmary to spend the night under the watchful eyes of Dr. Beckett and his staff, Teyla vowed to work diligently to stimulate her mind and, in doing so, regain her memory.

het, sentient atlantis, romance, team friendship, h/c, john/teyla

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