Apr 23, 2012 23:58
Uno Once again, Denny's is running ads for its cheapie menu. The "customers" in the ads point out that they have only $10, and run through all the combinations that add up to *exactly* $10. "We could get A plus B, or C plus D, or E *and* F *and* G..." Yeah, you *could*... or you selfish, insensitive jerks COULD actually save out a few bucks to TIP your poor overworked and underpaid waiter/waitress, not to mention the sales tax...
Dos I sign on to a LOT of online petitions... and just about EVERY one uses a variation on the same Address form fill-in. They start with a ZIP-code-LookUp box: enter your ZIP code and it automatically finds your Senators and/or your Congress representative at the Federal level, or your Governor, or your State-government-level legislators... So, the FIRST thing you do tells them your home State. But THEN, you go to the form, and there are text-boxes for your First Name, Last Name, and Street Address... okay, fine so far, and if your browser's smart about things, it's already filled these in from past forms. There's a Text-box for City, too... which is a bit stupid 'cause anything that searches your 5-digit ZIP code *already* knows your City AND your State, but as I said, the browser already enters the info.
No, the unforgivably STUPID part of these ubiquitous forms is the DROP-DOWN MENU Field for your STATE. *Stupid* because, first, it ALREADY knows your State: it looked that up from your ZIP code before you even got to this point, so it could find the correct legislator to receive the petition... and Second, because making it a DROP DOWN MENU instead of a Text box means a smart browser's auto-fill-in *can't* fill it in... so the damn thing is RUBBING YOUR NOSE in its utter IDIOCY. *grrr*
Tres "Earworm" music in ads. I won't name the offenders (they are legion!), because I don't want to evoke the Earworms by remembering their annoying ads. But YOU know the ones: the stupid ads with their irritatingly-persistent theme-songs that STICK IN YOUR HEAD forever... There are half-a-dozen companies around here which will NEVER get my business (no, not if they were the LAST store of their kind on the planet!) because I've boycotted them for their offending ads. (I've also boycotted Denny's, but that started with their awful history of racism some years ago, and IIRC there were some reactionary actions against their female workers, too... they just keep up the FAIL with their ads...)