Feb 05, 2012 14:10
Well, that explains my "wake-up call" this morning; our 'phone # is one digit off from that of a local pizza-delivery place. :-(
Meanwhile, LiveJournal, in its "Writer's Block" Question Of The Day, asks: "Which team are you rooting for?"
Well, my first response is prompted by my internal Ghost Of Miss Carnes (my favorite, and best, high-school English teacher): I want to correct their grammar. "Which team do you support?" has the advantages of brevity AND correct usage.
Other than that... well, if pressed, I could hazard a guess at team names. I'm fairly sure that twit Tim Tebow, despite his dramatic "Tebowing*", is NOT on one of the teams... and I think one of the teams is the Giants (but don't ask me their home town!).
No, the "team" for which I'm rooting today is my s.o. Doug, who's been spending the weekend at a local game-con. He's been up by 8am and out 'til well past midnight the last two nights... which leaves me home to work on things for my next convention... :-)
* I think Tim Tebow is a modern-day "pharisee". Jesus chided the Pharisees as an exemplar of self-righteous, "in-your-face" piety. They were fond of the trappings of faith and the ostentatious display therof, but often short on such things as charity and love for their neighbors, especially those neighbors (like Jesus' followers) who might be sinners or prostitutes or not of their faith. And wasn't there a Biblical admonition to pray in private, rather than with a lot of glitz and fanfare in the public eye? If your prayer is SO public that your very NAME becomes synonymous for a particular display of faith, I'm guessing it's a FAIL on that count...