On a wire (eight)

Jun 04, 2012 19:09

Disclaimer - I don't own the title. I don't own the boys either, they own each other. Amen. ;)

Alex's point of view

3 weeks later

I walk down the hallway of the empty school. Ahead of me I can hear a locker clicking, although I can't see who it is because they are around the corner from me.

I feel so alone.

I have no friends in school - I began talking to that kid, Rian, but I think he blames me for what happened to Jack. In the end it really was my fault, I gave him the lift to school - had I not, life may have continued on as normal.

I've missed Jack, even though it's only been a short while, I feel close to him - like we were meant to be friends. I mean, we had tons of common interests, we had the same humour and dressed in the same style - could we get any more alike?

I asked Rian if he thought I'd be able to see Jack and he told me that Jack didn't want me near him at the moment - my heart dropped when I heard that.

I'm wandering the school after everyone has left because I have no where to go to - over the past few weeks my Mum and I have drifted apart, I've lost all my 'friends' and Zack, my dog got hit by a car and died, I've been ignored by the lowest in the school food chain, my grades have been dropping and I've been getting beat up by, not only the football team, but by Zack also.

It hurts.

Inside and outside.

My Mum doesn't know about it yet because they've been hitting me where, if I bruise, you won't see it. I think Zack really doesn't want to hit me but Shane forces him to.

When I say 'forces' he kind of threatens Zack - Zack is all about his ego and how everyone else sees him so when people started to figure this out they began to use it against him, telling him that they would say all sorts of bad things about him. He would get freaked out and do as they say in the end.

It's saddening to know that your ex best friend would still turn on you so easily because of such a frivolous little thing such as that....

As I turn the corner I freeze.

He hasn't seen me yet.

He's leaning against his locker.

He's rubbing his head like he has a headache.

He looks up and sees me.

What is he doing here?

When did he get here?

How did I not see him at all?

I am awoken from my thoughts as a pair of hands seize my throat and shove me against a wall.

"Thought we advised you not to talk to that faggot, huh?" Shane whispers into my ear.

I feel my body tremble with the anticipation of what's to come, I close my eyes and hope it doesn't hurt.

I hear his breath hitch as he draws his arm backwards.

I tense up, waiting for the fist to land on my slowly depreciating body.

jalex, on a wire, jack barakat, alex gaskarth, fanfiction

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