On a wire they were dancing, two kids, no consequences (eleven)

Apr 02, 2012 23:04

Then I remembered what happened last night.


I watch his face for a couple of minutes. When I had moaned his face had scrunched up in a cute look of confusion. After a few seconds though, his face settled into a calmer state. I admired the way the sunlight shone upon his head, creating blonde highlights in the caramel sweetness that is Alex’s hair. I quietly lowered my mouth to his forehead to lay a soft kiss there. He slowly opened his sleepy eyes and looked up at me. I smiled lazily at him and he returned it.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey Lex”

He yawned and wrapped his arms around my neck, pressing his face into the crook of my neck.

“Lex, you are not going back to sleep.”

“Why not Jay?”

“Because I said so. Wanna watch some TV?” I asked glancing over at my clock, making sure that my mum and sister were at work already. Thank goodness it was a Saturday, school would have killed.

“Yeah, sure,” he replied before sitting up and reaching for the remote.

“Not up here, silly,” I told him as I batted his hand away from the remote. I smiled as I took his wrist and led him downstairs to sit on the plush sofa.

“No offense Jack, but this sofa is so much more comfy than your bed,” Alex said as he sprawled out on the cushions and smushed his face straight into the softness that is my sofa.

“No offense taken but when I come back with breakfast you better make room for me,” I said casually.

“Fair enough, as long as you make pancakes and put tons of syrup on them!” he shouted after me. I just laughed in response.


When I returned with two plates full of fluffy pancakes and a large bottle of syrup I found Alex passed out on the sofa. I set the food on the coffee table and sat on top of Alex. He grunted from the weight and slowly opened his eyes to see me sitting on his back. He turned his head, sniffing the air, to see the food sitting just out of his reach. He shot up, throwing me across the sofa, and lifted one of the dishes onto his lap before glancing over to find me in a heap at the other end of the sofa, laughing my head off because I have never seen someone move so quickly in my entire life. He giggled for a second before apologising.

“You don’t need to apologise, it was pretty funny to see you move that quickly anyway,” I told him. I sat up and moved down the sofa to sit beside him and flick through the TV channels. I jumped up and screamed like a little girl.

“What?! What’s wrong? What’s the matter?” Alex questioned after taking a mini heart attack from the shock of my recent actions.

“Home Alone!!! Oh my gosh… We have to watch it - it’s my favourite movie in the entire world!” I nearly squealed when I was trying to explain this to him.

“Okay, okay! Calm down - gimme that remote!” he said before snatching it out of my grasp and clicking onto the movie. I grinned my head off at him and he laughed at my childishness before settling back down against the cushions on the sofa. I shovelled my pancakes into my mouth before lying back against him.


Somewhere through the movie we had switched positions so that he was lying against me as I slowly kissed his hair every few seconds or so. He had our hands knotted together and was tracing little patterns into my leg as the movie played.

“This is my favourite bit, Lex! See that house? I want to live there when I’m older,” I told him

“I know, this is, like, the ninth time you’ve told me in the past half hour,” he said looking up at me. I looked down into those caramel depths and couldn’t resist kissing him. He pulled away quickly, leaving me to wonder what I had done wrong. I guess I must have looked a little hurt when he looked back at me because he hurriedly explained.

“I have bad morning breath”

“Oh... I thought… that… never mind…”

“Aw, Jay, I wouldn’t have pulled away for any other reason”

“Okay, well… I think we should both brush our teeth because I have terrible morning breath also,” I smiled at him. I took hold of his wrist and pulled him up from the sofa and turned off the TV - my only regret was that I didn’t get to see the rest of the movie.

As I pulled him up the stairs behind me he slipped his other arm around my neck and jumped onto my back, making me yell out in surprise before he shouted ‘piggyback time!’ and forced me to give him a piggyback the rest of the way to the bathroom.

“Jeez, Alex, what do your parents feed you?” I laughed

“Hey! I am most definitely NOT that heavy! You have no muscle whatsoever Barakat,” he retorted

“Just because you’re in the football team doesn’t give you the right to pick on those who have little or no muscle,” I joked while tickling his sides, making him giggle like a little girl - a sound which I could make fun of for the rest of his life but, because I was feeling nice that morning, I didn’t.

“Okay! Okay! I didn’t mean it!” he cried in defeat.

“Fine… Here, take a toothbrush,” I said as I pulled a spare packet from the cabinet above the sink.

“Thanks,” he replied as he selected the green one.

“Matching toothbrushes!” I yelled as I lifted my own from the glass beside the sink. Mine was green also.

“That’s too cool, is green your favourite colour?” he questioned.

“Yep, yours?”


I smiled at Alex in the mirror before smearing toothpaste on my brush, handing him the tube and then proceeding to scrub my mouth clean. After I had finished I rinsed my mouth with water and waited for him to finish.

“When do you have to leave?” I asked. I was worried that I wouldn’t have long left with him, even though I would see him on Monday I really didn’t want to let him go just yet when we were both still so caught up in all the love…

“Wait there, I’ll be able to tell you in a second,” he said as he walked in the direction of my room. I was confused by this statement but followed him anyway. When we were inside he walked to his jeans which were lying on the back of my desk chair, I was pretty sure that last night they had ended up in a pile on the floor somewhere, but when Alex pulled out his phone I realised he must have texted his mum at some point to tell her where he was.

“My mum says that I don’t have to go anywhere today so I can stay whenever I want as long as that’s okay with you and your parents?” Alex told me.

“Yeah, sure. So what do you want to do?” I asked.

“Uhm, I-I…… cuddle on the bed?” Alex replied shyly. I smiled at the blush that was slowly spreading across Alex’s cheeks.

“Yeah! I mean, if you want to,” I corrected myself, not wanting to sound overly eager. He grinned in response and tangled our fingers together as he guided me under the duvet covers once again.

I sat up against the pillows and Alex rested his head on my chest with his leg thrown across both of my own legs. I tangled my free hand in his hair and admired its unique colour. He looked up at me and smiled timidly. I smiled back at him and took my hand from his hair to wrap it around him and draw him closer to my body.

“Hey, Lex? I just want to know - it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll understand. W-what were you crying about last night?” I asked him after a few minutes of lying in that position, I was worried about him - I know we’ve only known each other for a short while but I’ve become thoroughly attached to the boy resting in my arms. I’m afraid that I might have rushed into whatever it is we share - maybe we should pace it out? I quickly think about that again - no, we shouldn’t pace it out, it would surely kill me if I had to keep my distance from him because it was too hard not to kiss this cute boy who was currently half lying on me. Whenever I asked this question though I felt his body tense up in my arms.

Author's Note - Sorry I had to leave you with a cliffhanger but I felt I needed to explain it from Alex's point of view, made it more understandable. I also want to apologise for how dirty the last chapter was (but it was pretty good for for my first one like that, right?) if an apology is needed. There's some pretty awesome people on here so if you have twitter follow me? I'll follow back - @amyalltimelow13
I hope you enjoy this so far - don't worry, the trip to Italy should be coming up soon in the story so hold on for a few more chapters? Comment if you're reading, I've kinda become a bit dismal from the small (yet amazing and completely appreciated) amount of comments this has been generating - even if you don't like it tell me why, I'm always open to constructive criticism.

Sorry for rambling on a bit, enjoy - Amy.

jalex, jack barakat, alex gaskarth

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