Jun 21, 2009 22:10

...but I love Michael! Tomorrow's his birthday! And something magical happened.

Yesterday we went to Forks (TWILIGHT OMG SO AMAZING, haha) with Jessi, Austin, Michael's mom, his mom's boyfriend, his sister, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend (PHEW!).

Backstory: Michael loves salmonberries. I had been thinking lately about the coffee cake he requested for his birthday cake. What if I made salmonberry coffee cake? A lot of the salmonberry bushes 'round here have been done for (either from age or people eating them all, hah)...

BACK TO YESTERDAY. After Forks we went to the Hoh Rainforest (which was amazing, btw! Pictures soon!). After walking around a lot when wanted to head home before it got to dark (dark + scary roads = not a fun long drive home). WELL on the way all of a sudden Jessi says, "Wow! That's a beautiful sunset I wish we could see." All of a sudden "RUBY BEACH" sign appeared and Austin thought quickly and managed to turn in. I took forever (as per usual, haha) and walked down the trail with Michael's brother and his girlfriend. After the hill, there were some people eating SALMONBERRIES! I was like, ew gross because I hate all the salmonberries I have had around here. But this girl insisted I try one!! AND IT WAS ABSOLUTELY SPLENDID! I found a few more and was absolutely stunned that they tasted so good! THEN IT HIT ME! There were so many along this trail I bet I can bring a bunch back for Michael's coffee cake! SO I DID! I have a ton (about .5 pound; they're really watery), and I'm so excited to bake this salmonberry coffee cake!

Sunsets viewed from the beach are truly majestic!

rainforest, berry picking, wildcrafting, michael, birthdays, beach

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