this land is your land, this land is my land.

Mar 01, 2009 09:19

I have been so stir crazy for the last couple of weeks. I have eaten out more in the past two weeks than I did November, December, and January combined. I just want to be outside, out and about.. Next quarter, I was interested in taking this program called Food, Place, and Culture. It sounds pretty amazing, but I just found out that my program, Toward a Sustainable Puget Sound, next quarter is awarding 6 credits for an independent project OR AN INTERNSHIP!! Plus we'll be studying statistics, which I know for a fact I learn math well from these two faculty members. I already starting browsing through the internships and am a bit intimidated.

I know that I absolutely want to do this but which one is the question. One of the ones I was looking at is working with elementary aged kids and their organic garden that is on school grounds. I should just call and inquire for more info, but I have never worked with kids before nor have I ever organized ANYTHING, which it sounds like this opportunity requires. It definitely sounds cool, especially because I went to that garden last summer in a field trip with my herbalism class.

The other opportunity I am looking at is in Eugene, OR which certainly won't be feasible during the school year.. I might want to do this this summer, but that would require me to move down to Eugene for a couple of months. It's working on an herbal farm/business doing grunt work in trade for knowledge of usage, growing, and general herbalism stuff. Every session, there will also be a wildcrafting field trip! This sounds amazing; I just wish it was closer to Olympia. I don't know how it would work with two cats and two rats! I don't know; we'll see.

I want to do an internship because I am ready to experience the beyond-school paradigm. I am ready to get my feet wet and start exploring more than just intellectual ideas... Which I gotta give to Evergreen that they definitely try showing us how ideas apply in the real world, but I'm ready to experience it myself. I want to be OUTSIDE in the spring as much as possible and to be working with and gaining more knowledge about plants would be extra amazing. I don't know much about where I intend to take my life, but I know my grounding is in plants.

I definitely wish I had more direction, because I would like to be able to look at next years' program offerings and say, yes, this is what I will need to take to get to where I want to be. Because I don't know where I want to be. I've thought about midwifery, naturopathy, herbalist.. But I am also very interested in sustainable practices, gaining a sense of place and then translating that to supporting local agriculture, commerce, etc., educating about and supporting women's issues whether it be holding workshops about alternative menstrual products or just talking about the stigmas of being female. I don't know. I feel like I'm a lot more talk than action which is fairly accurate. I take a lot of comfort in what I want to do that I kind of forget to actually just get out there and do it... which is why I'm so excited about the internship opportunity.

I would also love love LOVE to study abroad, but I am so terrified to go by myself and I have animals... At least I don't have children!!!

Who knows man. I just gotta take life one day at a time..

plants, internship, school work, life update, life direction

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