some good things...

Nov 14, 2008 20:08

...because I realize just how much of a downer my journal has been lately. For a while I was really nervous about having to take a mandatory leave of absence. Well that turned out well! It looks like it won't be happening because I got 4 out of the 6 credits in my independent contract from this summer. I'm still not liking where my school work has been but I'm making radical changes to improve that. This quarter started out really rough, missed a bunch of assignments but my teacher is totally letting those slide (because he understands how difficult my living situation was for the first couple of weeks) as long as I get every assignment in from this point forward, which I've been doing with flying colors. I'm pretty nervous about the in-class final exams, though. That wasn't the original plan... They were supposed to be take home exams. I guess too many people bombed the midterm that they felt like we needed further incentive to get our shit together. Good thing I do well on tests! I'm really excited for our final assignment. It's our story of Puget Sound and then writing a letter to an editor about why we think it's important for people to hear. I've already got a pretty solid idea for it. It's due in like... two weeks. I still don't know what materials I will use for the actual story box and how I'm going to execute it; I'm not an inherently crafty person, so this is definitely going to be a challenge.

ANYWAY! The kitties have been good lately! Full of energy and totally getting into a schedule with me. I feed them two cans of food a day: one in the morning and one at night. I'm trying to keep a stable time, but it's just so hard when I don't always get to bed at the same time every night. =/ In due time, in due time. Since Isis got the antibiotics, her body really turned around and started healing the wound at record speed! It healed up faster in one day than it had the since she came home. It was crazy. She was puking a couple of days in a role, but being the silly stressed out worry-wart overconcerned cat mommy, I neglected to think of the most obvious cause: MAYBE she had a hairball! Sooo, I'm sure I'll find that nice little surprise soon enough :) hahahaha.

Katherine's started teaching me piano! That's been really fun!!! I'm having a hard time keeping beat, though. I guess that will come in time. Practice practice! I also started volunteering at the co-op. It's been going... interesting. Not sure if it's a good fit for me or not, but I'm giving it until my birthday to fully decide. I don't want to make any premature decisions and regret it later. It's just a lot more stressful than I ever could have imagined, but I think that might just have to do with the fact I didn't get that much training and I've only worked one shift so far. So we'll see.

kitties, school work, life update

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